Copy the original problem down. Check to see if it is a multiplication or division problem.
Multiply by the inverse in a division problem. For instance, 3/4 divided by 1/2 would need to be changed to 3/4 times 2/1. Whenever you divide fractions, you always flip the second fraction and change the problem to multiplication.
Look at the numerators and denominators. Decide if there are any common factors, or numbers that you can evenly divide into both the numerator and denominator. For instance, in 3/4 times 2/1, the 2 and the 4 have a common factor of 2.
Divide the numerator and denominator you have chosen by the common factor. In the example, you will have 3/2 times 1/1. On your paper you will cross out the number you have and put the new number that you get when you divide by the common factor.
Multiply numerators together and multiply denominators together to get your answer. In this problem the answer is 3/2.
Reduce your answer or make it a mixed number if needed. In the example the answer would be 1 1/2. Proper canceling will make it so that you do not need to reduce your answer. However, you may need to make it into a mixed number.
Remember that you can cancel more than once. For example, if you are multiplying 25/32 times 24/30, you will get to cancel several times.
Start canceling by dividing the 32 and the 24 by 8. This will give you 25/4 times 3/30. Then divide the 25 and the 30 by 5, giving you 5/4 times 3/6.
Divide the 3 and 6 by 3. It does not matter that these digits are found in the same fraction. This will give you 5/4 times 1/2. You cannot cancel the 4 and the 2 because they are both denominators.
Multiply and reduce or simplify your answer. The answer is 5/8, which cannot be simplified.
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No, demnominators do not cancel when multiplying fractions. This is a very common mistake students make when they do fractions. In your question, the denominator is 1 for both 38 x 58 because you can see this as: 38/1 and 58/1. The 1s will not cancel. However, this will be different if your question was "what is 38 x 1/58?". This is the same thing as saying 38/58. You can simplify this one by finding a common factor.
46.3% = 46.3/100 But you can't have decimals in fractions so you multiply them both by 10 and you get: 463/1000 which does not cancel down.
to change dessimilar fractions to similar fractions you divide
The answer is...Similar fractions are fractions that has the same Denominator.Example:1/6+4/6Dissimilar fractions are fractions with different Denominator.Example:6/12-9/10
Multiplication of fractions 2/3 X 3/5 Cancel down by '3' 2/1 X 1/5 = 2/5 The Answer!!!!!
By dividing the numerator and denominator by their HCF
No, it is quite possible for the fractions not to have common factors, even if you cross-cancel.
im pretty sure all u do is use a proportion
Factor the numerator and denominator, and then cancel any common factors.
Simplifying the fraction.
In order to multiply fractions with variables, factor all numerators and denominators completely. Use the rules for multiplying and dividing fractions, cancel any common factors, and leave your final answer in factored form.
No, demnominators do not cancel when multiplying fractions. This is a very common mistake students make when they do fractions. In your question, the denominator is 1 for both 38 x 58 because you can see this as: 38/1 and 58/1. The 1s will not cancel. However, this will be different if your question was "what is 38 x 1/58?". This is the same thing as saying 38/58. You can simplify this one by finding a common factor.
72/96 Cancel down by '2' 36/48 Cancel down by '3' 12/16 Cancel down by '4' 3/4 Is the fraction in its lowest terms. NB It does not have a DENOMINATOR OF '18'
First convert the mixed numbers into "top heavy (or "improper) fractions". Now multiply each of the improper fractions by each other - this makes the denominators the same. Now you can add both the fractions together (and cancel down if necessary).
Divide the percentage by 100. Then reduce to its simplest form (cancel out any common factors between the numerator and the denominator).
It is quickest to cancel first. In 4/7 x 5/8 we can cancel the 4 and 8 making 1/7 x 5/2 = 5/7 If nothing will cancel, simply multiply top two numbers for numerator and bottom two for denominator.
46.3% = 46.3/100 But you can't have decimals in fractions so you multiply them both by 10 and you get: 463/1000 which does not cancel down.