In order to multiply fractions with variables, factor all numerators and denominators completely. Use the rules for multiplying and dividing fractions, cancel any common factors, and leave your final answer in factored form.
You multiply out brackets, remove common factors from fractions, combine like terms.
multiply and divide fractions!-.-
When you multiply any two numbers, the answer is their product.
invert and multiply
You multiply out brackets, remove common factors from fractions, combine like terms.
For subtracting and adding you cannot add or subtract unalike things. For multiplication and division you can multiply by whatever you want. In some maths you even multiply by variables such as "x". Or divide by them.
multiply and divide fractions!-.-
No, you cannot use models to multiply fractions!!
You multiply the fractions
When you add or subtract fractions you cross multiply and when you multiply or divide fractions you across multiply.
Yes you do.
When you divide by fractions, you invert and multiply.
yes. you multiply the numerator and denominator
Yes, there are times when you multiply fractions.
You multiply the numerators across and put that as the numerator of your answer, then multiply the denominators of the fractions across the put that as the denominator of your answer. It is very easy.