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it is based on the what number the letter represents

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Q: How do you get value of letters like a 1 b 2?
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What are non examples of like fractions?

non examples of like fractions = fractions that are not equal in value to other fractions. For example: 1/2 and 3/4. 1/2=.5 and 3/4=.75 since .5 does not equal .75, then 1/2 & 3/4 are not "like fractions" (see below for a summary of like fractions). Additional Info.: Like fraction examples: 1/2 & 2/4 (both fractions = the decimal value .5) 1/8 & 3/24 (both fractions = the decimal value .125) A "like fraction" is a fraction that has the same decimal value as another fraction. For example: 1/2 and 2/4 both = the decimal value .5 The easiest way to create a like fraction is to use a fraction that has a decimal value of 1. Simply multiple it times another fraction to create a like fraction. For example: Using 2/2 (which = decimal value 1), you get 2/4 as follows: 2/2 * 1/2 = 2/4 = .5 Note: 2/2 is used to create the "like fraction" 2/4. 2/4 and 1/2 are the "like fractions" because they both = the decimal value .5 You can use any fraction that is = to decimal value 1, for example: 200/200 * 1/2 = 200/400 = .5 200/400 & 1/2 are the "like fractions" that both have a .5 decimal value. You should remember this fact because it is used frequently in algebra and higher math.

What is the value of 2 in 7682?

In the number 7,682, the digit '2' is in the 'ones' place, so it has the value 2 x 1 = 2.

What is the fraction value of .50?

As a fraction it is 1/2

What is the number for mxlii?

No such number as 'mxlii'. If you mean 'MXLII' ; note the use of CAPITAL letters in Roman Numerals. Roman numerals do NOT use lower case letters. Here is the Table of Roman Numerals. M = 1000 D = 500 C = 100 L = 50 X = 10 V = 5 I = 1 Hence M = 1000 XL = -10 + 50 = 40 ( NB In Roman numerals a smaller value letter to the left of a larger value letter means subtract. II = 1 + 1 = 2 Hence MXLII = 1000 + 40 + 2 = 1042. The answer!!!!!! I

What is the base 10 value for the binary number 1101 with subscript 2?

(1 1 0 1)2 = (13)10

Related questions

How many letters have a value of 2 in scrabble?

Two - D & G are both worth 2pts a piece.

What are non examples of like fractions?

non examples of like fractions = fractions that are not equal in value to other fractions. For example: 1/2 and 3/4. 1/2=.5 and 3/4=.75 since .5 does not equal .75, then 1/2 & 3/4 are not "like fractions" (see below for a summary of like fractions). Additional Info.: Like fraction examples: 1/2 & 2/4 (both fractions = the decimal value .5) 1/8 & 3/24 (both fractions = the decimal value .125) A "like fraction" is a fraction that has the same decimal value as another fraction. For example: 1/2 and 2/4 both = the decimal value .5 The easiest way to create a like fraction is to use a fraction that has a decimal value of 1. Simply multiple it times another fraction to create a like fraction. For example: Using 2/2 (which = decimal value 1), you get 2/4 as follows: 2/2 * 1/2 = 2/4 = .5 Note: 2/2 is used to create the "like fraction" 2/4. 2/4 and 1/2 are the "like fractions" because they both = the decimal value .5 You can use any fraction that is = to decimal value 1, for example: 200/200 * 1/2 = 200/400 = .5 200/400 & 1/2 are the "like fractions" that both have a .5 decimal value. You should remember this fact because it is used frequently in algebra and higher math.

What is a fraction with an equal value?

An equivalent fraction, like 1/2 and 2/4

How many scrabble points are in retreating?

The word retreating has a scrabble point value of 11 points. The letter G has a value of 2 points. The other letters in retreating have a value of 1 point each.

How do you compare fractions with like denominators?

Fractions with like denominators: 1. the larger the numerator, the greater is its value. 2. the smaller the numerator, the lesser is its value. Examples. 3/5 > 2/5 1/4 < 2/4

What's a name of a fish with 1 or 2 letters in it?

there is a gold fish,beta all fishes have a 1 or 2 letters in it.

Which number has the greater absolute value 1 or -2?


What is the value of Roman numeral iss?

S does not have a value in the Roman systemImproved Answer:-The value of S is 1/2 so ISS = 1+1/2+1/2 = 2

1 is not 1 but 3 2 is not 2 but 3 3 is not 3 but 5 4 is 4 How can this be?

one has three letters, two has three letters, three has five letters, and four has four letters, and so on

What numbers have a absolute value os 2 1 2?

The numbers that have an absolute value of 2 are -2 and 2. Absolute value is the distance of a number from zero on the number line, so both -2 and 2 are 2 units away from zero in opposite directions. The absolute value of a number is always positive, so the absolute value of -2 is also 2.

What is another word for falling heavily that's like floor but take away 2 letters and ad 1?


what is the value of 2 in 0/812?

The place value of 8 = 8 * 100 = 800. The place value of 1 = 1 * 10 = 10. The place value of 2 = 2 * 1 = 2. The solution above and all other place value