Three hundred one million, one hundred thirty-nine thousand, nine hundred forty-seven.
The decimal 1.57 can be written as "one point five seven" in words. This means the number 1 is read as "one," the decimal point is read as "point," the digit 5 after the decimal point is read as "five," and the digit 7 after that is read as "seven."
Expressed in words, 10.075 would be read ten point zero seven five.
To write 1.28 in words, you would say "one point two eight." The whole number 1 is read as "one," the decimal point is read as "point," and the numbers after the decimal point are read individually. So, 1.28 is read as "one point two eight."
To write 3.08 in words, you would say "three point zero eight." The whole number 3 is expressed as "three," the decimal point is read as "point," and the digits after the decimal point are read individually. So, 0.08 is read as "zero eight."
To write 4.026 in words, you would say "four point zero two six." The number 4 is read as "four," the decimal point is read as "point," the number 0 after the decimal point is read as "zero," the number 2 is read as "two," and the number 6 is read as "six." So, altogether, it is "four point zero two six."
121069054/301139947 = use your calculator
Think it would be quicker to use a calculator.
Three hundred one million, one hundred thirty nine thousand, nine hundred forty seven
Three hundred one million, one hundred nine thousand, nine hundred forty-seven
300 words can be read in three minutes.
A first grade student isn't tested on the number of words read a minute. They are tested on how many words that they read correctly on a page.
so you can read them. if there were no words then how would we read it?actually, Special:Contributions, some books are totally pictures.
The time it takes to read 100,000 words can vary depending on reading speed, but on average, it would take about 5-7 hours to read 100,000 words.