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One eighth would be left.

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Q: If a radioactive material has a half-life of 10 years what fraction of the material will remain after 30 years?
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If a radioactive material has half a life of 10 years what fraction of the material will remain after 30 years?

There will be 1/8 remaining.

After three half-lives what fraction of a radioactive sample will remain?

Approx 1/8 will remain.

What happens to a radioactive material over time?

Radioactive materials decay over time, emitting radiation in the form of alpha, beta, or gamma particles. As the material decays, it transforms into isotopes of other elements until it reaches a stable state. The rate of decay is measured by the material's half-life, which determines how long it takes for half of the radioactive sample to decay.

What fraction of a radioactive nuclei remain after p half lives?

The remainder is 2-p or 0.5p of the original amount.

How much parent material will be left after five half-lives?

Only 1/32 of the original radioactive material will remain. (½)5 = 1/32

What emits radioactive material as it gets older?

The type of radiations remain the same during time for a specific isotope.

Will the radioactive property remain in an ionic compound when a metal element is highly radioactive combined with a non-metal element which is non-radioactive?

No, the radioactive property of the metal element will not transfer to the ionic compound formed with the non-metal element. Radioactivity is a property of the atomic nucleus, and when elements combine to form compounds, their electronic configurations determine their chemical properties, not their nuclear properties.

How long does ionizing radiation last?

Ionizing radiation lasts for as long as the radioactive material emitting it remains radioactive. The duration can vary depending on the half-life of the specific radioactive isotope involved. Some isotopes may last seconds to minutes, while others can remain radioactive for thousands of years.

How long will a material from a power plant remain radioactive?

All radioactivity decays with time. Some fission products from uranium fission will remain active for thousands of years, others decay to insignificance within a few years.

After three half lives have passed how much of the original radioactive material will remaim?

After three half-lives, 12.5% of the original radioactive material will remain. Each half-life reduces the amount of material by half, so after three half-lives the remaining material will be 0.5^3 = 0.125 or 12.5%.

How is the importance of half-life an important consideration surrounding the use of nuclear power storage of nuclear waste?

The halflife of a particular isotope simply tells how long it will remain dangerously radioactive. By storing the spent fuel rods on site much of the shorter lived more intense radiation will have decayed before moving it to a long term repository.

What property of half-lives makes radioactive material so problematic?

The property of half-lives that makes radioactive material problematic is that they can remain dangerous for long periods of time. This means that even after a substantial amount of time has passed, the material can still emit radiation and pose a threat to human health and the environment.