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Q: If a radioactive material has half a life of 10 years what fraction of the material will remain after 30 years?
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If a radioactive material has a half-life of 10 years what fraction of the material will remain after 30 years?

One eighth would be left.

How long will a material from a power plant remain radioactive?

All radioactivity decays with time. Some fission products from uranium fission will remain active for thousands of years, others decay to insignificance within a few years.

How long does ionizing radiation last?

Ionizing radiation lasts for as long as the radioactive material emitting it remains radioactive. The duration can vary depending on the half-life of the specific radioactive isotope involved. Some isotopes may last seconds to minutes, while others can remain radioactive for thousands of years.

Tritium has a half life of 12.3 years if 118mg escapes what percent of the spill will remian radioactive in 61.5 years?

After 61.5 years, five half-lives would have passed for tritium (12.3 years x 5 = 61.5 years). Each half-life reduces the amount of radioactive material by half. Therefore, after 61.5 years, 3.125% (0.5^5) of the initial 118mg of tritium would remain radioactive.

How much of the radioactive element will be left one billion years from now?

It depends on the half-life of the radioactive element. After one billion years, only a fraction of the original amount would remain, based on the decay rate determined by the half-life of the element.

Why does nuclear energy last 500 years?

Nuclear energy lasts for 500 years because of the half-life of the radioactive material used in nuclear reactions. This means that it takes 500 years for half of the radioactive material to decay into a stable form. After many half-lives, the material becomes non-radioactive and safe for disposal.

How much cesium would remain from a 10g sample after 4 years?

I suppose that you think to the radioactive isotope Cs-17; After 4 years remain 9,122 g.

What happens to radioactive materials if you do not use them?

That depends on the radioactive material. But whether you use it or not, the radioactive material will decay into other elements over the course of time. The time it takes for half of the material to decay into something else is called the "half-life". The more radioactive the substance is, the faster it decays. The half-life of a radioactive element can be measured from fractions of a second to billions of years.

How long can radiative material be hazardous in years?

Radio activity never stops. Radioactive material emits radioactive rays for ever. How ever it can be capped but when ever the material is exposed it will start emitting gamma and Beta rays.

How much of an 800-gram sample of potassium-40 will remain after 3.9109 years of radioactive decay?

100 grams

What fraction of a radium sample will remain after 3240?

The answer depends on 3240 WHAT: seconds, days, years?

What fraction of radium will last for 3240 years?

Radium has a half life of 1601 years. So 24.6% will remain after 3240 years.