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It is x minus the complex conjugate of the first root. Unfortunately, limitations of the browser used by means that we cannot see most symbols and so it is not possible to make out what the factor given in the question is. It is therefore impossible to give a proper answer to your question. In future please submit your question spelling out the symbols as "plus", "minus".

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Q: If x-3 2i is a factor of a polynomial what has to be another factor?
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The question has a simple answer only if the polynomial has rational coefficients. However, the question does not state that it has rational coefficients so it is not valid to assume that is the case. So, suppose the third root is p. Then the polynomial is (x + 3)*(x - 3 + 2i)*(x - p) = (x2 + 2xi - 9 + 6i)*(x - p) = x3 + (2i - p)x2 - (2pi - 6i + 9)x + (9p + 6pi)

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It is not possible to be sure about the answer because there is no sign before the linear term. If the polynomial is x3-4x2+x-4 then, the factors are (x-4) and (x2+1).

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Yes, if there is no remainder after division, the divisor is a factor.

Is a polynomial with square root a polynomial?

It is a polynomial if the square root is in a coefficient but not if it is applied to the variable. A polynomial can have only integer powers of the variable. Thus: sqrt(2)*x3 + 4*x + 3 is a polynomial expression but 2*x3 + 4*sqrt(x) + 3 is not.

What degree of polynomial will be produced by multiplying a third degree polynomial and a fourth degree polynomial?

seventh degree polynomial x3 times x4 = x7

Example of a forth degree polynomial with two terms and a third degree polynomial with two terms that make seven degree polynomial show work?

Assuming you mean a fourth degree polynomial,P4 = x4 + 1P3 = x3 + 1P4*P3 = x7 + x4 + x3 + 1 is a seventh degree polynomial.