

What a greater than sign llok like?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: What a greater than sign llok like?
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What does the greater and less then sign look like?

First of all, the question should be asked like: What does the greater and less than sign look like? Greater Than Sign - > Less Than Sign - < Equal To Sign - = Your Welcome!

What does the greater sign look like in maths?

> - greater than < - less than

What does a greater than sign look like?

In mathematics, when we comparing two values if any of the value has a larger value then the sign greater than is used for differentiating that the value is greater than the another value. > is the greater than sign, as in If x is greater than y,then x>y

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What do the greater or less than signs look like?

The greater than sign is > and the less than sign is < To help remember which is which, think about which end of the sign is greater in size - the number at that end is the greater number (and the number at the other end number lesser number).

What is the sing for greater than?

> is the sign for greater than.< is the sign for less than.

What is the greater than equal to sign?

The greater than or equal to sign is "&ge;".

Which means less than and greater than?

The greater than sign is "&gt;" and the less than sign is "&lt;"

Less than or greater than signs?

Less than sign is &lt; Greater than sign is &gt;

What does an inequality sign look like?

It is the 'equals' sign with a diagonal slash through it.

What are the less than and greater than signs which are labeled?

the less than sign is &gt; the greater than sign is &lt;

What is the greater sign?

The 'greater than' sign is '&gt;'. '&lt;' is the 'less than' sign. If you were to say 'five is greater than 4', you could mathematically present that as '5&gt;4'.