Write 2 ways in which whole numbers and decimal numbers are different
One hundred fifty thousand.
It is -50000.If you meant one lakh fifty thousand, then it is 150000.
To write 4.65 million in numbers, you would write it as 4,650,000. This is because the number 4.65 represents 4 whole units and 65 hundredths, which is equivalent to 4,650,000 when expressed in millions.
Just write any five fractions, with integers (whole numbers) in the numerator and the denominator. Don't use zero as a denominator.
150000 is 0.15 million.
150000 is in numerical value
Write 2 ways in which whole numbers and decimal numbers are different
One hundred fifty thousand.
The correct way to write it in numbers is: 5,008,023.
For, four, and 4.
1000000* 0.15 = 150000
The set of whole numbers is represented by Z.
A part and a whole.
When writing a decimal out in words, the numbers before the decimal are written as if they are whole numbers, and the numbers after the decimal are read as digits. Therefore, for example, 150.35 is read one hundred and fifty point three five.