Assuming the number holds an unsigned number, the range of numbers for 4 bits is 0-7. 7 is a prime number.
A decimal digit requires 4 bits of memory space to represent all possible values. So N decimal digits will require 4N bits to store in decimal format. On the other hand, if the same N decimal digits were stored as a binary number, they should require log2(10N) bits, that is, about 3.32N bits. So storing the decimal representation uses about 20% more memory. To put it another way, 4 bits is capable of holding one of 16 different values. By using it to store decimal digits, it is only being used to hold one of 10 different values.
the highest number you can count up to using 10 bits is 1029 using binary
Four bits are required to write '12' as a binary number.(12)10 = ( 1 1 0 0 )2
Pointers to far objects are stored using four bytes (32 bits). The bytes are stored little endian or low to high order. The first word contains the 14-bit memory offset (bits 14 and 15 are always 0). The second word contains the page number (or segment number for function pointers). The memory address is calculated as follows: Variable Address = (Page * 0x4000L) + OffsetFunction Address = (Segment * 0x10000L) + Offset
1kb=1024 byte is multiply by the total memory which is given to you as bellow: (1024*2) = 2048 register
There are 80 bits in 10 bytes. Each byte contains eight bits. This is critical to know when shopping for a new computer or adding memory to a compute as it will allow for an accurate calculation of the amount of storage space.
A small number filp flop is used to store the memory in bits(0's and 1's)
You need 20 bits of address bus to address 1 Mb of memory.
a byte is abasic storage unit in memory. when application program instructions and data are transferd to memory from storage devices. byte addressable memory refers to memory address that is accessed one byte (8 bits) at a time as opposed to 2 byte(16 bits), 4 byte(32 bits) or 8 byte(64 bits) addressable memory.
Basically, these are the memory units used to represent the memory of the computing devices. Bit Byte (Contains 8 bits) Kilo-byte (Contains 1024 bytes) Mega-Byte (Contains 1024 kilo-bytes) Giga-Byte (Contains 1024 Mega-bytes) Tera-Byte (Contains 1024 Giga-bytes) and so on....
The memory in the computer is stored in the form of bits and bytes
Informational redundancy is the number of bits that it takes to transmit the desired message minus the actual number of bits that the message contains. In other words, it is the extra bandwidth required to send a message.
The value of any coin is determined by a number of necessary bits of information. One of those bits is the exact date of the coin.
It takes 23 address lines to address 8 mb of memory.
A bit of memory holds a single character. Therefore the minimum number of bits would be one, but you would need one for each character of data.