Placing a question mark at the end of a phrase does not make it a sensible question. Try to use a whole sentence to describe what it is that you want answered.
If f(x)=y, then the inverse function solves for y when x=f(y). You may have to restrict the domain for the inverse function to be a function. Use this concept when finding the inverse of hyperbolic functions.
Suppose a function f(.) is defined in the following way: f(1) = 3 f(2) = 10 f(3) = 1 We could write this function as the set { (1,3), (2, 10), (3,1) }. The inverse of f(.), let me call it g(.) can be given by: g(3) = 1 g(10) = 2 g(1) = 3
First, this function is strictly increasing on the entire real line, so an inverse exist on the entire real line. We define inverse of function f, denoted f^-1 such that if y = f(x) then f^-1(y) = x Or to find the inverse, all is needed is to isolate x in terms of y. In this case, y = 7x + 2 7x = y - 2 x = (y - 2)/7 So the inverse is x = (y - 2)/7 What? You don't like function in terms of y? Well, they are just meaningless variables anyway, you can write whatever, in particular the inverse is y = (x - 2) / 7 (the x, y here are independent with the x, y above. If you are getting confused, write b = (a - 2)/7 where b is a function of a)
The domain of a function, f(x), is a set of real numbers (call them values of x) which corresponds to a second set, called the range, such that each element in the domain corresponds to exactly one element in the range ( y- value). So the range is the set of real numbers that are values of the function. An inverse of a function f(x) is denoted by f-1(x) where -1 is NOT an exponent. The notation f-1 does not mean 1/f (so it looks like a neg 1 exponent but it is not. Math people know to read this as the inverse function). Any function that passes the horizontal line test (which intersects the graph of the function only once) has an inverse, also it is a one-to-one function. Any one-to-one function has a graph that passes the horizontal line test. A one-to one function is a function in which not two different pairs have the same second component. For this kind of functions (one-to-one functions), the domain becomes the range for the inverse and vv. It means that if a point (x, y) is on the graph of f, then the point (y, x) is on the graph of f-1. Ex: y or f(x) = x2 (the domain is the set of all real numbers. you can square positives, negatives, fractions etc. the range is only all reals greater than or equal to zero). The graph of f(x) = x2 does not pass the horizontal test, because it intersects the graph at two points, let's say (-3, 9) and (3, 9). Inverse functions have ordered pairs with the coordinates reversed. If we interchange x- and y-coordinates then we obtain (9, -3) and (9, 3) but these ordered pairs do not define a function. Thus this function does not have an inverse. But if we restrict the domain, for example the set of all positive numbers including zero, then we allow it to have one, and this inverse function f-1 is a reflection of the graph of f about the line y = x, where f(x) = x2 and its domain is {x| x ≥ 0}. The inverse of the above function is the square root of x. which I will abbreviate as sq rt the inverse function becomes f-1(x) = √x (in other words, f you limit yourself to real numbers, you cannot use any negatives in place of x for this inverse function. So the domain of the inverse is all reals > or = 0. If the inverse is to be a function you cannot have any answers which are negative. the relation would not pass the vertical line test. so the range is also only reals > or = zero).
It is difficult to be sure because the browser used for posting questions on this site is utter rubbish and strips out all mathematical symbols. If your question was f(x) = x + 2 then the inverse is f(x) = x - 2.
If f(x)=y, then the inverse function solves for y when x=f(y). You may have to restrict the domain for the inverse function to be a function. Use this concept when finding the inverse of hyperbolic functions.
A function that, given X, will produce Y has an inverse function that will take Y and produce X. More formally:If f(x)=y, then f-1(y)=xWhere f-1() denotes the inverse function of f()
In mathematics, the inverse of a function is a function that "undoes" the original function. More formally, for a function f, its inverse function f^(-1) will produce the original input when applied to the output of f, and vice versa. Inverse functions are denoted by f^(-1)(x) or by using the notation f^(-1).
= x
An even function cannot have an inverse.If f(x) = y, then if f is an even function, f(-x) = y.Then, if g were the inverse function of f, g(y) would be x as well as -x.But a one-to-many relationship is not a function.
if f(x) = 4x, then the inverse function g(x) = x/4
Simply stated, the inverse of a function is a function where the variables are reversed. If you have a function f(x) = y, the inverse is denoted as f-1(y) = x. Examples: y=x+3 Inverse is x=y+3, or y=x-3 y=2x+5 Inverse is x=2y+5, or y=(x-5)/2
f=by+xbygf*yt -gkft
If a function is even ie if f(-x) = f(x). Such a function would be symmetric about the y-axis. So f(x) is a many-to-one function. The inverse mapping then is one-to-many which is not a function. In fact, the function need not be symmetric about the y-axis. Symmetry about x=k (for any constant k) would also do. Also, leaving aside the question of symmetry, the existence of an inverse depends on the domain over which the original function is defined. Thus, y = f(x) = x2 does not have an inverse if f is defined from the real numbers (R) to R. But if it is defined from (and to) the non-negative Reals there is an inverse - the square-root function.
The inverse for f(x) = 4x + 8 isg(x) = x/4 - 2
The inverse for f(x) = 4x + 8 isg(x) = x/4 - 2
In general the function and it inverse are not the same and do not have the same graph. If we look at a special function f(x)=x, it is equal to its inverse and the graph is the same. Think of the inverse of a function as changing all the x's to y's and vice versa. Well, in the function f(x)=x, all the x's are already y's and vice versa so it is its own invese.