

Best Answer

The correct answer is the following:

cos x times abs. value sin x

quantity divided by sin x

But see my web site where this is stated much more clearly. There are also graphs to illustrate the problem. See related link below for website.

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Q: What is the derivative of the absolute value of sine of x?
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The derivative of sin (x) is cos (x). It does not work the other way around, though. The derivative of cos (x) is -sin (x).

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zero. The absolute value of a number is just the positive version of that number, so the absolute value of x is x, and x minus x is zero.

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The derivative of cosine of x is simply the negative sine of x. In mathematical terms f'(x) = d/dx[cos(x)] = -sin(x)

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If f(x)=1/x then F(x)=antiderivative of f(x)=ln(|x|) (the natural log of the absolute value of x) There's another way of reading this question. The anti derivative of 1 is x+c. Dividing that by x gives you 1 + c/x

What does the derivative graph mean?

I am assuming the you are talking about the graph of the derivative. The graph of the derivative of F(x) is the graph such that, for any x, the value of x on the graph of the derivative of F(x) is the slope at point x in F(x).