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it is placed at the tip of the first vector

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7y ago

The name of the method basically says it all. You connect the tail of one vector with the tip of the previously-placed vector.

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Q: Where is the second vector's tail placed when two vectors are added graphically using the tip to tail method?
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You could draw a circle [center at origin] with radius of (a + b), for the two magnitudes a and b. This represents the sum of the magnitudes. Then draw one of the vectors starting at the origin [suppose it's vector a], and then draw a circle centered at the endpoint of vector a, with a radius of b. Drawing a circle demonstrates how the second vector can point in any direction relative to the first vector. The distance from the origin to a point on this second circle is the magnitude of the resultant vector. Graphically this second circle will be entirely inside the first circle and touching it at just one point. Since it lies within the first circle, the distance from the origin to a point on that circle will be less than or equal to the radius of the first circle.

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we can add vectors by head to tail rule.THe head of first vector to the tell of second vector.And for the resultant vector we can add the tail of first vector to the head of second vector. we can add more than three vectors to give a resultant is equal to zero by joining head to tail rule as to form polygan .

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It depends on what the second method is!

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It depends on what the second method is!

What is the resultant force if the first force has an upward vector and the second force has a downward vector?

If the two vectors are directly opposite each other, then subtract the smaller one from the larger one and that will be your resultant force. For example, if the force downwards is 5 N and the force upwards is 2 N, the resultant force is 3 N downwards. If the one or both of the two vectors are angled, you need to replace the angled vectors with two right-angled vectors and then add those to create the resultant vectors.

3 types of vector in speed velocity and accelaration?

Position is a vector. Therefore, its first derivative with respect to time (velocity), and its second derivative with respect to time (acceleration) are also vectors.

Ten vectors together add to give a zero resultant it is possible that nine of these vectors are on the same plane but the tenth is not on this plane?

No. The tenth vector would have to be matched by one equal and opposite vector to yield a zero resultant, or by multiple vectors in the second plain collectively yielding a zero resultant for that plane. It would be possible, for example, for 8 vectors to be on the same plane and two on a different plane to give a zero resultant.

Can two vectors of unequal magnitude add up to give the zero vector?

No. The vector resultant of addition of vectors is the vector that would connect the tail of the first vector to the head of the last. For any set of vectors to add to the zero vector, the endpoint of the last vector added must be coincident with the start point of the first. Therefore for the sum of only two vectors to have a chance of being the zero vector, the second vector must be in a direction exactly opposite the first. So you can tell that the result of adding the two vectors could only can be zero vector if the two vectors were of two equal magnitude.

What are the ways of determining the resultant vector?

You can do it graphically by drawing the vectors with the end of the first touching the beginning of the second, the end of the second touching the beginning of the third, and so on, being careful to maintain the direction and the scale of the magnitude of each. The resultant is then the vector that starts at the beginning of the first vector and ends at the end of the last vector. You should get the same resultant no matter what order you put the vectors in. You can do it matematically by trigonometrically separating each vector into its x and y components, adding together all the x's and adding together all the y's, then calculating the resultant. Think of each vector as the hypotenuse of a right triangle. After adding together the x's and y's, the two sums are the two sides of a right triangle whose hypotenuse is the resultant.