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Because, a computer can only understand binary numbers(0s and 1s). Actually, they are represented internally as voltage levels, a positive voltage level to represent 1 and a 0V to represent 0, generally represented as ON and OFF. The voltage levels are dependent on the implementation so even a -5 can be interpretted by the computer as a 0 and +5 as 1,etc.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

The importance of the binary system toinformation theory and computer technology derives mainly from the compact and reliable manner in which 0s and 1s can be represented in electromechanical devices with two states---such as "on-off," "open-closed," or "go--no go."

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βˆ™ 9y ago

Because they are 1 and 0 and can therefore be represented by electicit "on" or "off" or magnetic "N" or "S".

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βˆ™ 6y ago

Computers are essentially millions of microscopic switches - that can either be on (1) or off (0). Binary code represents a true state as 1 and a false state as 0.

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βˆ™ 6y ago

Computer chips are essentially banks of microscopic switches. A switch can usually be either on (1) or off (0). That's where the term binary comes from.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Computers work almost exclusively in binary, internally.

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βˆ™ 6y ago

The importance is that it is much easier to build circuits that work with binary numbers.

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What is importance of binary system?

It is used to do all the computer coding!

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Importance of binary numbers in computer?

the importance of binary numbers in standard computing is basically everything. computers only understand base 2, that is a 0 (off) and a 1 (on). every piece of data passed through any part of the computer is done so using base 2 (binary). that said, there are theorised base 3 computers, called 'genetic computers' which use genes and magnetism to produce a base 3 process, but this was only done as a computer sciences project and is likely to not every be implemented in the mainstream.

Is binary numbers is the internal language of computer?

A computer only understand binary, which is 0 as "off" and 1 as "on."

How do you make 19 out of 1 2 3 5 and multiplication division adding and subtracting one time?

A binary operation is one which takes two numbers and combines them into one. +,-,* and / are all binary operations. If you start with 4 numbers and apply one binary opeartion (to two of the numbers) you are left with three. After two binary operations you are left with two numbers and after three binary operations you are left with only one number. You cannot, therefore, carry out the fourth binary operation if you start with four numbers.

What is One's compliment in binary numbers operation?

This is an operation in which each zero is changed to a one, and each one is changed to a zero.

Where is the binary number system used?

binary number system used in computers because computer can understand only binary language as it starts from 0and 1. which makes computer easier.

Computers process binary numbers which are composed of?

Binary numbers, with or without a computer are a series of 1's and 0's.

What is the product of 57?

A product is a binary operation: you need 2 (or more) numbers in order for there to be a product.

Why can you multiply decimals?

Because multiplication is a binary operation that is defined so that it is valid for all numbers.