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The type of decimal that has a final digit is a Terminating Decimal!!! Hope you enjoy!

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Q: The type of decimal that has a final digit?
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What is the formula that would get the tenths digit number in a three digit integer number?

In a three digit integer number the tenthsdigit is always 0 as integer numbers are whole numbers and have no decimal part and tenths are decimal parts:tenths_digit_of_integer_number = 0I suspect you mean "How to find the tens digit of an integer number?"; this is the second from the right, so:tens_digit = (INT(number ÷ 10)) MOD 10For example, in C this would become: tens_digit = (number / 10) % 10;

EBNF float data type?

<float_literals> -> <digit> { <digit> } [ . ] [ { <digit> } ] <digit> -> "0" | <digit excluding zero> <digit excluding zero> -> "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" hi dude i wish you are satisfied with my answer LOL ^^

Number 15 in binary form?

Rather than tell you what the answer is, I think it better that you learn how to do this your self. By asking the question you must realize that each binary digit can have a value of one or zero. Just like with decimal numbers, the digit of lest value is on the right and has a decimal value of one. The digit immediately to its left has a value that is twice that of it neighbor to the right and also half the value of its neighbor to the left.Here is the decimal values of 8 binary digits.[128][64][32][16][8][4][2][1] decimal value( 8)( 7)( 6)( 5)(4)(3)(2)(1) digit placeLets convert 25 decimal into binary.The largest decimal value that can be subtracted is 16 with 3 digits to the left, write down 3 zeros as place holders for the 3 left digits. Follow by a one.000125 - 16 = 9The next binary digit to the right has a decimal value of 8 and can be subtracted from 9 so we write down another 1.000119 - 8 = 1Now for each binary digit that has a decimal value greater than the remainder write a zero.0001100Now there is just the 1 left to deal with. Any time there is only 1 left you can just write down a 1.00011001So with that short intro to converting decimal into binary you should be dangerous enough to do your own decimal to binary conversions. (If still in doubt try, Google for an explanation that makes more sense to you).

What is 43 in hex?

43 (decimal) converted to hex is: 2B. The 2 is in the sixteen place, so 2 x 16 = 32. The B represents eleven, so 32 + 11 = 43 (decimal).The method to find from decimal to hex is: divide by 16, take the remainder as the digit, then take the quotient and divide by 16 again and the remainder is the next digit. Keep going until the quotient is zero. So we have 43/16 = 2 remainder 11. So the rightmost digit is B (A is ten, B is eleven, C is twelve, D is thirteen, E is fourteen, F is fifteen). Then take the 2 and divide by 16 = 0 remainder 2, so the next digit is 2.If instead, you wanted to know what 43 (hex) value converted to decimal is: 4 x 16 = 64, then add 3 = 67 (decimal).

How do you make Decimal fraction in c plus plus?

Use a double or a float data type. While these are suitable for most floating point purposes, there may be times when you need to deal with extremely small or extremely large numbers with a higher degree of accuracy than is possible with the built-in types. In these cases you must either define your own data type or use a third-party data type. For instance, calculating the millionth decimal digit of pi cannot be achieved with the built-in types alone.

Related questions

A decimal has a final digit?

Yes its called a terminating decimal

What kind of decimal has a final digit?


What is a decimal call when it has a final digit?

A rational number

Is a decimal number with two digits is sometimes equal to a decimal number with three digits?

Only if the final digit, after the decimal point, is zero.

What is the hundredth place in a decimal?

second digit to the right of the decimal point.

What is the 37th digit for pi?

The 37th digit is 4The 37th digit after the decimal point is 1.The 37th digit is 4The 37th digit after the decimal point is 1.The 37th digit is 4The 37th digit after the decimal point is 1.The 37th digit is 4The 37th digit after the decimal point is 1.

How do you change mm to cm with no decimals?

There are two steps.First, divide the number by 10. This changes the length to units of centimeter instead of millimeter.Next, if there is a zero to the right of the decimal point, simply remove it and you have your new figure. If there is a digit other than zero, the number needs to be rounded. If the digit is between 1 and 4, the final value is rounded down by removing the decimal digit. If it between 5 and 9, the final value is rounded up by removing the decimal digit and adding 1 to the value.

What digit is the tenth place in a decimal?

The first digit after the decimal point.

If you add a mass of 3.7 g to a mass of 9.495 g the sum with the correct number of significant digits is?

13.2 3.7 has one digit after the decimal and 9.495 has three digits after the decimal You take the least number, which is one. The final answer has one digit after the decimal.

Is a four digit decimal less than a three digit decimal?

Not necessarily.

What is the name of a decimal that has an ending digit?

Assuming that you mean a digit, it is a terminating decimal.

Is a decimal number that has a final digit that is odd odd?

If you are talking about decimal as in base 10, than yes. If you are talking about decimal as in place value, than no, because numbers that are not whole numbers can not be grouped into even and odd.