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chicken doody in da mornin, chicken doody in da night

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Q: What are the three historic world events in Archimedes?
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What were three historic world events that occurred during Fibonacci's lifetime?

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What Three world historic events that happened during fibonacci's lifetime?

Three world historic events that happened during Fibonacci's lifetime were the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215, the Fourth Crusade and the sacking of Constantinople in 1204, and the Mongol Empire's invasion of Europe in the 13th century.

What are 3 historic world events that happend in 1815-1897?

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What was the historic role of Vietnam in world events?

Well, it was part of the Cold War, and the rise/downfall of Communism.

What are some historic events in the 1940s?

World War II was going on in the 1940's. It makes a great reseach topic.

What Historic events occurred in September any year?

World War II started (1939) The attack on the twin towers (2001)

What was Archimedes' major contribution to the world of water pumps?

That would be "Archimedes' screw". See link provided:

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What historic events happened in 2001?

The most historic event of 2001 was the airplane attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and on the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. by terrorists fro an organization known as Al-Queda.

How did Archimedes change the world of today?

i don't kknow

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