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Q: How did Archimedes change the world of today?
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Why is Archimedes discoveries so important?

he discovered a lot helping the world today

What inventions of Archimedes are still being used today?

One invention Archimedes invented is the Archimedes Screw. It's still used today to irrigate crops.

How would you use Archimedes experiment today?

In the well.

How do we use Archimedes' discoveries today?

People all around America still use Archimedes discoveries today. Like The snail screw we use that to raise and move water. Another discovery from Archimedes we use today is pi. We use pi to find the circumference for circles. Everyone should use the "Principles of Archimedes" because we use that to weigh objects.

What is the Archimedes screw used for today?

The Archimedes screw is used for irrigating crops and liftin water from mines and ship bilges.

Did Archimedes go to a university?

Archimedes was born c. 287 BC, there were no universities then like we have today. Historians suggest that during his youth, Archimedes may have studied in Alexandria, Egypt.

What inventions did Archimedes made that you use today?

ya mumma

Why did Archimedes discover PI?

He discovered it because he was a very great mathematician of ancient history. He was smart and developed the discovery of Pi to better the world as it is today.

What did Cleopatra do to change the world today?

Cleopatra did absolutely nothing to change the world neither in her own time nor in our time today.

What was Archimedes' major contribution to the world of water pumps?

That would be "Archimedes' screw". See link provided:

Who are the mathematicians who contributed in the world of geometry?


What is an invention that could change the world today?

the invention the could change the world would be the teleporter