One Hectare has precisely 15.4375Bighas
In Uttar Pradesh, there are 5.3306 bigha in one hectare. This conversion rate may vary in other regions of India.
There are 10,000 square meters in a hectare.
0.15 hectare is equivalent to 0.371 acres.
It varies by region, but generally there are around 20-30 bigha in one killa.
One Hectare has precisely 15.4375Bighas
In Uttar Pradesh, there are 5.3306 bigha in one hectare. This conversion rate may vary in other regions of India.
1 bigha=20 KATHA
one bigha = approx 26909.8 sq. ft.
In Uttar Pradesh 1 Bigha is divided into 20 Biswas. Each Biswas is 125 m2 or 154.32 sq.yd, hence one Bigha is 0.25 Hectare (or 2500 m2 or 3087.41 sq.yd). 5 BISA=1 BIGHA (KACHHA)In Uttar Pradesh (West) the measurements are slightly different: 1 Bigha=20 Bishwa=60 Decimal=2428.80 m2In Uttarakhand, 1 Bigha is subdivided into 19 Bissas or 12 Nali. In Imperial and SI Units, each Bigha is 968 sq.yd or 800 m2.See the two attached Related Links.
1 hectare = 10,000 m2
There are 10,000 square meters in a hectare.
No, a hectare is much bigger. A hectare is equal to 10,000 meters square.
0.15 hectare is equivalent to 0.371 acres.
One bigha varies in amount from location to location. It varies from 0.37 of an acre, to 3 acres.
A hectare is 10,000 square meters of land.
One hectare is equal to 107,638.58 square feet.