An informal definition: If you take a radius of a circle and wrap it around its circumference then the angle which that arc will make at the centre of the circle is 1 radian.
More formally, a radian is 1/(2*pi) of a whole angle.
One radian is about 57.3 degrees
1 radian = 360/tau (or 180/pi) degrees.
Meter is a unit of length. Radian is a unit of angle. They don't relate.
One radian = 180/pi or about 57.3 degrees (pi = about 3.14).
One radian is equal to roughly 57 degrees!
radian = 180/2pi degrees
1 radian = 1/tau or 1/(2*pi) of a whole turn.
Both are measurements of angular displacement. A degree is 1/360 of a full trun or whole circle. A radian is 1/(2*pi) of a full turn.
The radian is 0.523598776
1 degree = pi*radian/180 So therefore 15 times pi*radian/180 = pi*radian/12
Radian - Morituri - was created in 1986.
A radian is an arc of the circumference of a circle and it is about 57.3 degrees.
One radian is about 57.3 degrees
-1.257 radian
A radian is 180/pi degrees, or about 57 degrees
1 radian = 360/tau (or 180/pi) degrees.
A mile is an obsolete unit of distance and the radian is a unit for angles !