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Q: Pascal's triangle what numbers are in 7th row?
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What is the sum of the numbers in the 5th row of pascals triangle?

depends. If you start Pascals triangle with (1) or (1,1). The fifth row with then either be (1,4,6,4,1) or (1,5,10,10,5,1). The sums of which are respectively 16 and 32.

What numbers are in the fifth row of pascals triangle?

1 5 10 10 5 1

What is the 5th row on pascals triangle?


What is the sum of the 100th row of pascals triangle?

Sum of numbers in a nth row can be determined using the formula 2^n. For the 100th row, the sum of numbers is found to be 2^100=1.2676506x10^30.

How many odd numbers are in the 100th row of Pascals triangle?

The number of odd numbers in the Nth row of Pascal's triangle is equal to 2^n, where n is the number of 1's in the binary form of the N. In this case, 100 in binary is 1100100, so there are 8 odd numbers in the 100th row of Pascal's triangle.

What is the formula for the sum of the numbers in the 100th row of Pascals triangle?

The sum of the numbers in the nth row of Pascal's triangle is equal to 2^n. Therefore, the sum of the numbers in the 100th row of Pascal's triangle would be 2^100. This formula is derived from the properties of Pascal's triangle, where each number is a combination of the two numbers above it.

What is the sum of the 4 th row of pascals triangle?

The sum is 24 = 16

How is the pascal triangle and the binomial expansion related?

If the top row of Pascal's triangle is "1 1", then the nth row of Pascals triangle consists of the coefficients of x in the expansion of (1 + x)n.

What is the sum of fifth row of Pascals triangle?

The Fifth row of Pascal's triangle has 1,4,6,4,1. The sum is 16. Formula 2n-1 where n=5 Therefore 2n-1=25-1= 24 = 16.

What is row ten of pascals triangle?

1, 9, 36, 84, 126, 126, 84, 36, 9, 1

What are the third and sixth entries in the row 12 of Pascals triangle?

To find a specific number in Pascal's triangle, use the formula n!/r!(n-r)! Where n is the row number (starting at 0) and r is the row element (starting at 0) So for the 3rd entry of the 12th row we would put in the following numbers: 11!/2!(11-2)! which equals 55 Do the same for the 6th entry of the 12th row and you get 462.

What is the sum of the fifteenth row of pascal's triangle?

The sum of the numbers on the fifteenth row of Pascal's triangle is 215 = 32768.