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Q: What else would need to be congruent to show that triangle ABC equals triangle XYZ by aas?
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What else would need to be congruent to show that triangle abc equals xyz by sas?


What else would you to need to show triangle efg congruent to triangle hij by sss?

D). Eg = hj

What else would need to be congruent to show that triangle ABC is congruent to triangle XYZ by Angle Side Angle?

Without seeing the picture, I can't tell what's already known to be congruent, so there's no way I can figure out what 'else' is needed.

What else would need to be congruent to show that triangle abc is congruent to xyz by SAS?

"What else" implies there is already something that is congruent. But since you have not bothered to share that crucial bit of information, I cannot provide a more useful answer.

What else would need to congruent to show that abc equals pqr by sss?

That depends on which sides have not been proven congruent yet.

Is an isosceles triangle always never or sometimes congruent?

"Congruent" means "same shape and size as the other one". So one thing all by itself is never congruent. It needs something else to be congruent with. An isosceles triangle is never congruent to a scalene triangle, sometimes congruent to any other kind of triangle, and always congruent to another isosceles triangle that's congruent to the first one.

Why is a triangle and a square congruent?

congruent means that all the sides are the same length. the sides of a square have to be the same length or else it would be a rectangle. Not all triangles are congruent though. there are other types of triangles unlike the square, where there is only one type.

What is a type of triangle with no congruent sides or angles?

it is impossible* * * * * Although it is impossible to have a triangle with no sides or angles congruent to anything else in the 2-d world, I suggest that the answer to this question is a scalene triangle.

What else would need to be congruent to show that jkl mno by aas?

AAS is equal to angle-angle-side, and is descriptive of a triangle. JKL and MNO would be the sides and angles of a triangle. The two sides must be congruent to the opposite angle.

If you know that triangle RST is congruent to triangle ABC what else do you know to be true?

That all sides and angles are also equal.

Are an obtuse triangle and a acute triangle sometimes congruent?

Congruent means "equals" or "the same." Basically if you take a shape and flip it over or mirror it, or do anything else that copies the original in size and shape, it is congruent to the original. An obtuse triangle has one angle greater than 90* and an acute triangle has three angles that are less than 90*. No matter how you turn or flip or mirror those triangles, acute will never be obtuse and obtuse will never be acute. But if you take an acute triangle, and flip it upside down, it is still acute, and still has the same proportions, and therefore is congruent to the original.

Is LMN OPQ If so name the congruence postulate that applies?

congruent - SSSAnswer by Arteom, Friday December 10, 2010