

Best Answer
  • rotation
  • translation
  • reflection
  • shifts (trig)
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Q: What is a transformations that do not change the size or shape of a figure?
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Related questions

How transformations are different?

Transformations are different by their size but same shape the only thing that change is their coordinates and size.

What does congruence transformations mean?

These are transformations that do not change the shape or size, only its location (translation) or orientation (rotation).

Does dilation change the shape?

Geometric dilation (size change, typically expansion) does not change the shape of a figure, or its center location, only the size.

Change in position shape or size of a figure?


Do transformations preserve shape and size always?


Define translation in math?

change of position, shape, or size of figure

What is a change in the position shape or size of a geometric figure called?

a transformation

How do translations reflections and rotations affect the size and shape of an image?

None of these transformations affect the size nor shape of the image.

What types of transformations will create a similar figure?

There is just the one and it is an enlargement or a reduction in size.

What are transformations that result is an image that is the same shape and size as the original?

They are translation, reflection and rotation. An enlargement changes the size of the image.

Why reflections translations and rotation are rigid motion s?

Reflections, translations, and rotations are considered rigid motions because they preserve the size and shape of the original figure. These transformations do not distort the object in any way, maintaining the distances between points and angles within the figure. As a result, the object's properties such as perimeter, area, and angles remain unchanged after undergoing these transformations.

What effects do rigid transformations have on geometric figures?

They can alter the location or orientation of the figures but do not affect their shape or size.