

What is an asa triangle?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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ASA is not a triangle, it is a method of proving that two triangles are congruent.

ASA refers to showing that if two angles and a side (Angle-Side-Angle) of one triangle are the same measures as the corresponding angles and side of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent.

Since the three angles sum to 180 degrees, if two of them in one triangle are equal to the corresponding angles in the second triangle, then the third set of angles must also be equal. Consequently, ASA is equivalent to AAS and SAA.

That is NOT The case with two sides and an angle, where it must be the included angle that is equal.

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Is a ASA triangle similarity postulate?

Since ASA is a congruence postulate and congruence implies similarity, then the answer is : yes.

What is asa postulate?

The Angle Side Angle postulate( ASA) states that if two angles and the included angle of one triangle are congruent to two angles and the included side of another triangle, then these two triangles are congruent.

What is Asa for congruence?

If a side and two angles at either end of it (Angle-Side-Angle = ASA) of one triangle are the same measure as that of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent. In fact, it does not have to be the angles at the ends of the sides in question since two angles being equal means that the third pair of angle will also be equal. So as long as the ASA are in corresponding order, the triangles will be congruent.

What dows angle-side-angle mean in math?

Angle-Side-Angle is also called ASA. ASA formula is used to determine congruency. It means that 2 triangles are congruent if 2 angles and the included side of one triangle are congruent to 2 angles and the included side of the other triangle.

How does the ASA congruence theorem differ form the AAS congruence theorem?

ASA or Angle Side Angle differs from the AAS in that the order of the sides or angles are stated is the same as they are labeled on a triangle. Just because the letters are shifted doesn't make them different. There are three angles on a triangle and there are only two stated so the two stated cannot be assigned to angles with a side in between them for AAS, or a side at either side for ASA.

What are the only two triangle congruence shortcuts that do not work?

The only Two Triangle congruence shortcuts that do not prove congruence are: 1.AAA( Three pairs of angles in a triangle) & 2.ASS or SSA(If the angle is not in between the two sides like ASA.

Which postulate or theorem can be used to prove that triangle PRS is congruent to triangle QRS?

We cannot determine without seeing the data for PRS & QRS. My guess though would be ASA Though it could also be SSS

What is the congruence throemand postulate of asa?

I assume "throemand" is your fail at spelling "theorem and".The theorem states that if two angles and the included side of one triangle are congruent to the corresponding parts of another triangle, then the triangles are congruent.

What is real life example of a ASA triangle?

It is frequently used in mapping surveys. For example, if you want to find the distance to a mountain peak, you would find the direction to that peak from two locations and measure the distance between those two locations. Triangulation based on trigonometry for the ASA triangle would enable you to work out the distance to the mountain peak without having to go there.

Are the two right triangles TRS and WUV congruent If so name the congruence postulate that applies?

To be congruent, the three angles of a triangle must be the same and the three sides must be the same. If triangles TRS and WUV meet those conditions, they are congruent.

Are you asa?

yes, I am Asa