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its a type of sine bar . it is used in metrology lab .from this equipment we can find tapered angle of a conical spcimen

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What is the sine of 810?

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If two integers have the same sign what is the sine of their sum?

Sine(A+ B) = Sine(A)*Cosine(B) + Cosine(A)*Sine(B).

What is the value of sine 3.3?

Sine 3.3 degrees is about 0.057564. Sine 3.3 radians is about -0.157746. Sine 3.3 grads is about 0.051813.

What is a sine in mathematics?

A function that depends on the value of an angle. One way to define it is with a unit circle (a circle with center in the coordinate origin, and radius of 1). To the right is zero, from there, a positive angle is counterclockwise. In this case, the sine is simply the y-coordinate, and the cosine is the x-coordinate of the point on the circle where the ray of the angle crosses the circle. The value of the sine (and cosine) obviously depends on the angle - that's why it is considered a "function". Sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, cosecans, and secans can also be defined via right triangles; for more details see here:

What is sine infinity?

Sine does not converge but oscillates. As a result sine does not tend to a limit as its argument tends to infinity. So sine(infinity) is not defined.

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sine dine

What is the sine of 45?

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What is the sine 153?

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Sine wave can be split into?

a)set of sine waves b)set of sine waves with phase zero

What is the sine of 40 degrees?

sine 40° = 0.642788

What is the sine of 56 deg?

Sine 56° = 0.829038

What is the graph of a sine function called?

A sine graph!