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It is (-1, 6).

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Q: What is the image of (1 -6) for a 90 and deg counterclockwise rotation about the origin?
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What is the image of C for a 90 and deg counterclockwise rotation about A?

The answer depends on the location of A and C. Without that information the question cannot be answered.

What are the coordinates of B' if A'B'C'D'E'F'G' is a 90 and deg counterclockwise rotation of ABCDEFG about the origin?

If B was (x, y) then B' is (-y, x).

What happens to the x and y coordinates when rotating a figure counterclockwise?

A rotation is a transformations when a figure is turned around a point called the point of rotation. The image has the same lengths and angle measures, and differs only in position. Rotations that are counterclockwise are rotations of positive angles. All rotations are assumed to be about the origin. R90 deg (x, y) = (-y, x) R180 deg (x, y) = (-x, -y) R270 deg (x, y) = (y, -x) R360 deg (x, y) = (x, y)

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To find the image of ABC for a 180-degree counterclockwise rotation about point P, we would reflect each point of the triangle across the line passing through P. The resulting image of ABC would be a congruent triangle with its vertices in opposite positions relative to the original triangle.

What are the coordinates of the point (1 and ndash6) after a counter clockwise rotation of 90 and deg about the origin?

The coords are (6, 1).

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How many degrees is 2 whole 1 over 3 times a quarter of a rotation?

One rotation = 360 degrees so 21/3rotations = 7/3 * 360 deg = 840 deg.

What are the angles of rotation of a 20 gon?

Some 20-gons will have only one: 360 degrees. Some 20-gons will have 2 (180 deg), some will have 90 deg, 72 deg, 36 deg of 18 deg. It depends on the extent of irregularity of the polygon.

Does a trapezium have rotational symmetry?

rectangle has inversion (180 deg rotation) hexagon has 60 deg ratation, cyclic group genterated is 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, 360=0 equilateral triangle has 120 deg rotation, cyclic group genterated is 120, 240, 360=0

Can you rotate text counterclockwise by entering a number between 1 degree and 180 degree on the aligment sheet in the format cells dialog box?

In Excel it is between -90 deg and +90 deg.

How the Triangle ABC is shown on the graph. What are the coordinates of the image of point B after the triangle is rotated 270 and deg about the origin?

That would depend on its original coordinates and in which direction clockwise or anti clockwise of which information has not been given.

How many hrs and mins less is the rotation of earth from mars?

For 360 deg. rotation (sidereal day), mars takes 41 minutes 18 seconds longer