8 subsets
To get the number of subsets of size less than 2:Total number of subsets of a set of size N is 2NTotal number of subsets of size 1 is 100Total number of subsets of size 0 is 1Total number of subsets of size 2 is 100*99/2 = 4950Sum up: 100 + 1 + 4950 = 5051Subtract this from total subsets: 2100 - 5051 (Answer)
If the universal set contains N elements then it has 2N subsets.
If you have a set of 6 elements, you can make a total of 26 different subsets - including the empty set and the set itself.
Elements can belong to subsets. Subsets can be elements of sets that are called "power sets".
An element doesn't have subsets. Sets can have subsets.
Subsets is one type of an sets
Yes all sets have subsets.Even the null set.
If the set is of finite order, that is, it has a finite number of elements, n, then the number of subsets is 2n.
Venn diagrams are a means for displaying relationships between sets.
For example, if you take the set A = {1, 2}, then the following sets are all subsets of it: {}, {1}, {2}, {1, 2}. That is, all the sets that fulfill the condition that all of its elements are also elements of the set "A".
If the set has "n" elements, then you can make 2n different subsets. The number of subsets will always be greater than the size of the set, both for finite and for infinite sets.
Integers, rationals. Also all subsets of these sets eg all even numbers, all integers divided by 3.
Any names that you like. Often they are denoted by CAPITAL letters.
No. The number of subsets of that set is strictly greater than the cardinality of that set, by Cantor's theorem. Moreover, it's consistent with ZFC that there are two sets which have different cardinality, yet have the same number of subsets.
yes, since every closed set can be written as a intersection of open sets. (Recall that borel sets is sigma algebra)