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A. Glide reflection b. Orientation of points c. Parallelism of lines d. Areas of polygons

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Q: Which of the following is not invariant under a glide reflection?
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What kinds of symmetry do an equilateral and an isosceles triangle have?

An equilateral triangle has six symmetries, and an isosceles triangle has two. An isosceles triangle has a single axis of symmetry, the perpendicular bisector of the non-congruent side. This is a reflection symmetry. An equilateral triangle has rotational symmetry as well as reflection symmetry. It is invariant under rotations by 120 degrees.

How do you glide on istaria?

Open the options menu, go under the options tab and check the box that says "automatically glide/fly when falling"

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It depends on what these invariant quantities are. It is not enough to specify that something is invariant, you also need to specify under which operation these quantities do not change (= are invariant). In special relativity there is an operation called a Lorentz transformation which applies the effects of a speed increase, thus applying time dilatation and length contraction. A Lorentz invariant quantity is a quantity which remains the same under this transformation, i.e. it has the same value for every observer in an inertial frame. Examples of such invariants are the lengths of four-vectors, the generalizations of the common 3-dimensional vectors such as those indicating place and momentum. For example the 3d-vector for location (x,y,z) is joined with another quantity for the time dimension into a 4-vector whose length is Lorentz invariant. There are more Lorentz invariant quantities, some of them quite complex.

Where is the battery located in the 2002 hd ultra glide classic?

Under the seat

How do you glide?

If you are refering to the dance move known as the "Glide" then i suggest you go to Youtube, and look it up under the name Gliding Tutorial. Its really simple if you practice a lot.

What has the author George Wilber Hartwell written?

George Wilber Hartwell has written: 'Plane fields of force whose trajectories are invariant under a projective group'

Where is the fuse box on a 2010 Harley Davidson Electra Glide?

under the left side panel

What is the image of (-26) under a reflection in the origin?

It is (2, -6)

Where is the starter relay on 85 harley electra glide?

Starter relay on 85 glide is located under the seat on the drivers side of the frame. It is circular and you cannot miss the heavy wiring running to it from the battery.

Where do you add transmission oil on a o6 wide glide?

right side Allen cap under exhaust pipe!

What system of movement do squids have?

they glide with the wave under the surface. they spread out there tenticles and then push them inward to move forward.

Where is the fuse box on a 1988 Harley Davidson Ultra Glide Classic?

under the dash and between the tank halves.