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When you subtract theta from 180 ( if theta is between 90 degrees and 180 degrees) you will get the reference angle of theta; the results of sine theta and sine of its reference angle will be the same and only the sign will be different depends on which quadrant the angle is located.

Ex. 150 degrees' reference angle will be 30 degrees (180-150)

sin150=1/2 (2nd quadrant); sin30=1/2 (1st quadrant)

1st quadrant: all trig functions are positive

2nd: sine and csc are positive

3rd: tangent and cot are positive

4th: cosine and secant are positive

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Q: Why does Sine Theta equal Sine 180 minus Theta?
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96 degrees Let theta represent the measure of the angle we are trying to find and theta' represent the measure of its supplement. From the problem, we know: theta=theta'+12 Because supplementary angles sum to 180 degrees, we also know: theta+theta'=180 Substituting the value from theta in the first equation into the second, we get: (theta'+12)+theta'=180 2*theta'+12=180 2*theta'=180-12=168 theta'=168/2=84 Substituting this value for theta' back into the first equation, we get: theta+84=180 theta=180-84=96

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Pi radians is 180 degrees. So if you have theta in radians, multiply by 180/Pi

How to determine theta in degrees if theta equals 0.33PI?

degrees = pi/180 180 degrees = pi .33pi = .33 times 180 = 60 degrees

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r*theta = where theta is the angle measured in radians.= 5*120*pi/180 = 10.472 units (approx).r*theta = where theta is the angle measured in radians.= 5*120*pi/180 = 10.472 units (approx).r*theta = where theta is the angle measured in radians.= 5*120*pi/180 = 10.472 units (approx).r*theta = where theta is the angle measured in radians.= 5*120*pi/180 = 10.472 units (approx).

How do you simplify bracket 1 plus tan theta bracket bracket 5 sin theta -2 bracket equals 0?

(in a past paper it asks u to solve this for -180</=theta<180, so I have solved it) Tan theta =-1, so theta = -45. Use CAST diagram to find other values of theta for -180</=theta<180: Theta (in terms of tan) = -ve, other value is in either S or C. But because of boundaries value can only be in S. So other value= 180-45=135. Do the same for sin. Sin theta=2/5 so theta=23.6 CAST diagram, other value in S because theta (in terms of sin)=+ve. So other value=180-23.6=156.4.

What are both solutions between -180 and 180 degrees of the equation (tan theta -7over10)?

They are theta = -34.99 degrees and 145.09 deg.

Given tan Theta equals negative 15 divided by 8 and 90 degrees is less than or equal to theta which is less than or equals to 180 state 5 other trigonometric ratios and determine the measure of theta?

sin(theta) = 15/17, cosec(theta) = 17/15 cos(theta) = -8/17, sec(theta) = -17/8 cotan(theta) = -8/15 theta = 2.0608 radians.

What are the values of theta of which co secant theta is undefined?

Any value for which sin(theta) = 0, i.e. theta = N*180, N being an Integer.

What plus 143 minus 73 is equal to 250?

180+143-73 = 250

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Every multiple of 180 degrees, beginning with zero.