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x = 1/2 g T2

T2 = 2x / g

T2 = 2 (22) / 9.8

T = sqrt( 44 / 9.8 ) = 2.119 seconds (rounded)


The mass makes no difference, and we don't care what it is.

Pebbles and boulders hit the ground at the same time.

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Q: A 4.4 kg mass is falling starting from rest at a height of 22 m How much time does it take for the mass to reach the ground?
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How can height affect the time for an object to fall?

The acceleration of gravity is 32 feet per second, per second. This means that --eliminating any obvious aerodynamic considerations as there would be with, say, a feather -- the speed at which an object falls increases proportionately to the time it is falling. An object falling from a greater height will be falling for a longer time period and thus will reach a higher velocity and impact the ground with a greater force than one falling from a lower height.

A long jumper leaves the ground at an angle 20 to horizontal and at speed of far does he jump and what the maximum height reached?

Making the improbable assumption that the jumper experiences no air resistance, he will jump 3.97 metres, and reach a height of 0.72 metres.

If you drop a 15 kg iron bar and a 5 kg bag of cotton from a height of 50 meters which will reach the ground first?

iron bar first

How does height affect the velocity of a falling body?

A falling object accelerates at a rate of 9.8 m/s2. That means that for every second that it is falling, its velocity increases by 9.8 m/s. The higher that the object is falling from, the longer it will have to speed up, thus the higher its velocity upon impact will be. (This is assuming that it does not reach terminal velocity, the velocity at which an object can no longer accelerate because it is travelling so fast that the drag force (air resistance) is equal to the force of gravity.)

If you drop a ball from 10 feet and 5 feet which will reach the ground first?

The ball which you drop from 5 feet will reach the ground first.

Related questions

What occurs only when air resistance does not affect the motion of a falling object?

The mass of an object will not affect the time it takes for it to reach the ground from a fixed height. Backspace

When You Drop An Object From A Certain Height It Takes Time T To Reach The Ground With No Air Resistance. If You Dropped It From Three Times That Height How Long Would It Take To Reach The Ground?

When an object is dropped from a certain height, the time it takes to reach the ground is independent of the height (assuming no air resistance). Therefore, whether you drop the object from three times the initial height or the original height, it will still take the same time (T) to reach the ground.

How fast does a person fall after falling from a height of 25 feet?

A person falling from a height of 25 feet will reach a speed of approximately 31 feet per second (or 21 miles per hour) when they hit the ground. This speed is reached due to the acceleration caused by gravity.

How does the starting height affect the total time the marble rolls?

The starting height of the marble affects its initial speed, which in turn influences the time it takes to reach the bottom. A marble starting from a higher height will have a greater initial speed and reach the bottom faster compared to a marble starting from a lower height.

How can height affect the time for an object to fall?

The acceleration of gravity is 32 feet per second, per second. This means that --eliminating any obvious aerodynamic considerations as there would be with, say, a feather -- the speed at which an object falls increases proportionately to the time it is falling. An object falling from a greater height will be falling for a longer time period and thus will reach a higher velocity and impact the ground with a greater force than one falling from a lower height.

If water was spilled from aeroplane height would it reach the ground?


Formula for time of falling object?

The formula for the time it takes for a falling object to reach the ground is given by the equation t = √(2h/g), where t is the time in seconds, h is the height of the object in meters, and g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.81 m/s^2).

Is a falling star a meteor or meteorite?

A falling star is called a meteor. When a meteor enters the Earth's atmosphere and survives the journey to reach the ground, it is then termed a meteorite.

How long does it take for a droplet of rain to reach the Earth?

The time it takes for a raindrop to reach the ground depends on its size and the height from which it falls. On average, a raindrop falling from a cloud about 1,000 meters high takes around 10-15 minutes to reach the ground.

Am arrow is shot straight up at an initial velocity of 250 m s how long will it take to hit the ground?

Assuming no air resistance, the arrow will take approximately 5 seconds to hit the ground because it will reach its maximum height before falling back down due to gravity. The total time for the arrow to travel up and back down is twice the time it takes to reach the maximum height.

When was Falling Out of Reach created?

Falling Out of Reach was created in 2007.

What is the height of a ten year old?

As long as your legs can reach the ground, you'll be all right...