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answer = 1 - probability you do get two green*

* = binominal distribution f(k;n,p) = f(2;2,1/4)

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Q: A bag has 6 red 9 blue and 5 green marblers you you take 1 away and then replace it then take another one what is the probability you do not get two green?
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This is a law of addition probability which states that the probability of A or B equals the probability of A plus the probability of B minus the probability of A and B. Written in mathematical terms, the equation is: P(AorB) = P(A) + P(B) - P(AnB) where P(AnB) = 0 (since you can not pull out a green and black ball at the same time). Let P(A) = Probability of drawing the green ball & let P(B) = Probability of drawing the black ball. Total outcomes is 17. So, P(A) = 4/17 & P(B) = 6/17. Therefore P(green or black) = 4/17 + 6/17 = 10/17.

A bag contains 6 red marbles 9 blue marbles and 5 green marbles You withdraw one marble replace it and withdraw another marble What is the probability that you do not draw two green marbles 25 denomo?

Because you are replacing the marbles then it is an independent event. P(1st one is not green) = 1 - P(first green), equally P(2nd one is not green) = 1 - (second green), Thus it reads P(¬G ^ ¬G) = P(¬G) * P(¬G) = 15/20 * 15/20 = 225/400 = 9/16

In a bag of 6 red marbles 14 green marbles what is the probability of pulling out a red or green?


What is an examle of conditional probability?

The probability that, if I get caught by a red light at one set of traffic lights, I will get a green at the next lights is an example.