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Prob(Coin shows H) = 1/2

Prob(Die shows 2) = 1/6

Prob(Both events) = 1/2 * 1/6 (because they are independent)

= 1/12

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Q: A coin is tossed and a die is rolledwhat is the probability that the coin shows head and the die shows a two?
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What is the probability that a coin tossed in the land with heads up?

It is 0.5

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Assuming that it is a fair coin, the probability is 0.9990

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The probability is 50-50.

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Coins do not have numbers, there is only the probability of heads or tails.

What is the probability of getting two tails if a coin in tossed twice?

It is 0.25

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It is 3/4

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The number of times a coin is tossed does not alter the probability of getting heads, which is 50% in every case, as long as the coin has not been rigged (i.e., a double-headed coin, a weighted coin) to alter the result.

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The probability is 1/4

Assume a coin is tossed 100 times what is the probability of seeing 50 heads?

If the coin is fair and balanced, like Fox, then the probability is 50%.

What is the probability that I'll get heads on the next toss if I tossed a coin fifteen times and got heads twelve?

The odds are 50/50. A tossed coin does not have a memory.