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S = side of the square

S2 = area of the square

3S = length of the rectangle

S-2 = width of the rectangle

3S (S-2) = area of the rectangle

Since the areas are equal . . .

3S (S-2) = S2

Eliminate parentheses on the right side:

3S2 - 6S = S2

Subtract S2 from each side:

2S2 - 6S = 0

Factor the left side:

S (2S - 6) = 0

S = 0 is the trivial solution. The other, useful solution is

2S - 6 = 0

S - 3 = 0

S = 3


Square: Area = S2 = 9

Rectangle: Area = 3S (S-2) = 9 (1) = 9

The areas are equal. yay!

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Q: A rectangle has length triple the side of this square and width two units less than the side of this square if the two areas are equal what are the squares dimensions?
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