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30 square feet.

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Q: A triangle has base 15 feet ft and an altitude of 4 ft Find its area?
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How do you find the altitude of a triangle?

altitude(height)=(Area * 2) /length(Base)

How do you find area of triangle with base 10 feet and altitude 9 feet?

Area of a triangle = 1/2*base*altitude in square units Area = 45 square feet

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The altitude of a triangle is 5 m less than its base The area of the triangle is 42 m2 Find the length of the base?


What is the area of a triangle with base 16 cm and altitude to that base of 8 cm?

The area of triangle is : 64.0

What is the formula for area of a base and area of a triangle?

A base is normally a line and therefore has no area; the area of a triangle is half of base x altitude.

Area of a equilateral triangle?

Area = 0.5*base*altitude

The altitude of a triangle is 5 inches less than its base. the area of the triangle is 42 square inches . find its base and altitude?

The dimensions are: altitude 12 inches and base 7 inches Check: 0.5*12*7 = 42 square inches

How do you calculate the altitude of a triangle?

Let the given area is 10cm. Base of the triangle is 4 cm. altitude of triangle=? Area= 1/2 x Base x altitude 10= 1/2 x 4x altitude 10=2 x altitude 10/2= altitude 5= altitude Hence, altitude of the triangle is 5 cm.

How do you calculate area of obtuse triangle?

Area = 0.5*base*altitude

What is the area of the triangle with a base of 6 and altitude of 8 meters?

Area of a triangle = (0.5) * (Base) * (Altitude) = (0.5) * (6 meters) * (8 meters) = 24 square meters

How do you find base of triangle with area 35 meters and altitude 14 meters?

Assuming the area is 35 SQUARE metres and not 35 metres, Area = Base*Altitude/2 So 35 = Base*14/2 = 7*Base Base = 5 metres.