There is a distance of 3 between -3 and 0.
The distance is 3.
5.83095 (rounded)
5 is.
Negative and Positive numbers. Ex. -4 & 4 are the same distance from zero which is 4.
Answer: .5
5 units
A reflexion
-3+(3)=0 3+(-3)=0
Since they are the same point, the distance between them is 0.
:−3+0+1+2 = 0 :−3*0*1*2 = 0
They are the additive inverses of each other.
1/2 is the same distance from 1 as from 0. It is not closer to either 1 or 0.
Each distance is multiplied by 3 and more
the absolute value
The distance from 0 of an integer is called its absolute value, or magnitude.