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So long as your employer didn't promise a raise in a contract, then your employer is under no obligation to provide you a raise - no matter how stellar of an employee you are.

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Q: Can an employer freeze your raise that you were supposed to receive after 1 year of employment Worked there 2 years haven't missed a day of work?
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To receive unemployment in Oregon, one must have worked 500 hours of subject employment as a requirement. The amount of unemployment received will depend on the wages that were paid by the employer.

Does your employer know if you file unemployment?

Yes. All employers you worked for in the base period (the first 4 of the last 5 completed calendar quarters) are contacted by the employment security investigators to see if you were eligible to receive benefits from having worked for them>

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Certainly. No law requires the employer to do more than pay you for hours worked.

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An employer is not required to provide you with a verification letter. They do have to verbally state if someone calls that you have worked there.

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No. You have to have qualified earned income worked for. Self employment income that you worked for.

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You have to apply for it. You can only receive unemployment if you are currently unemployed, searching for a job and otherwise qualify for unemployment benefits. Some of the qualifications include not being fired for any cause of your own, having worked at your previous place of employment a certain # of hours a week for a certain amount of time, etc.

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No. Illinois considers an employer "chargeable" after 30 days of employment.

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The employer has to pay you whatever you are owed from time you have worked, but that is it, unless you have a contract that states otherwise (you probably do not).

In New Jersey do you add part time and full time when calculating work for unemployment benefits?

Yes, you are supposed to report the total employment worked in the base period, combining multiple employment, if applicable. Your benefits will depend on whether the employer was subject to the New Jersey Unemployment Compensation Law and if your own employment was not excluded under the law. See the Related Link below for more details.

Will you receive unemployment benefits from a prior employer if you're terminated from a current position where you are a consultant with no employee benefits other than paycheck?

It depends on too many factors to list here. For example, the state(s) you worked in, reason(s) for termination, length of time worked in both employments, amounts of money you were paid in wages, whether the employer(s) were covered under the employment laws of the state, etc.

Can you collect unemployment from Florida and moved to GA?

Yes, and you would file in Florida because it is the "liable state" which collected employment taxes from the employer you worked for.