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Q: Can whole numbers have negatives
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Related questions

Is an integer but not a a whole number?

Some integers are whole numbers, but only 0 through positive infinity. The negatives are not included in the whole numbers.

Is 4.8 a natural number?

No - whole numbers only, no negatives, no fractions

What is Whole numbers to integers?

Any positive number. Whole numbers are all positive and integers are any number including negatives.

What is a number called that can be represented without decimals or fraction including negatives?

Whole numbers

Is the number 25 a whole number?

Yes. Any set of digits without a fraction or decimal point is a whole number. The whole numbers are all the numbers you say when you count (or their negatives).

Why is an integer always a whole number?

An integer is not always a whole number because whole numbers are numbers 0 and up. Integers are numbers above and below 0. (Including negatives.) So therefore, if an integer is a negative, it would not be a whole number. But a whole number is always an integer.

What a is a whole number give example?

The numbers {0, 1, 2, 3, ...} etc. There is no fractional or decimal part. And no negatives. Example: 5, 49 and 980 are all whole numbers.

How many different ways can you write 25 as a product of two whole numbers?

2. 4 if you include negatives.

What are the different kinds of real number?

there are rational numbers--numbers that you can express as a fraction irrational numbers--numbers you cannot express as a fraction integers--whole numbers and their opposites(negatives) whole numbers--0, 1, 2, 3,... natural or counting numbers--1, 2, 3,....

Different kinds of real numbers?

here are rational numbers--numbers that you can express as a fraction irrational numbers--numbers you cannot express as a fraction integers--whole numbers and their opposites(negatives) whole numbers--0, 1, 2, 3,... natural or counting numbers--1, 2, 3,....

What is wwhole numbers?

Whole numbers are any number without a decimal that are greater than 0, eg. no negatives or decimals. ex: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. Positive integers are also whole numbers.

The only difference between the set of natural numbers and the set of whole numbers is the number zero?

If N is the set of natural numbers, and the set of whole numbers (integers) is Z, you should be aware that Z also includes negatives and zero, whereas N does not include either of these.