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Q: Can you find the perimeter of a rectangle with just knowing the area?
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What is the relationship for perimeter and area for rectangle?

There is no relationship between the perimeter and area of a rectangle. Knowing the perimeter, it's not possible to find the area. If you pick a number for the perimeter, there are an infinite number of rectangles with different areas that all have that perimeter. Knowing the area, it's not possible to find the perimeter. If you pick a number for the area, there are an infinite number of rectangles with different perimeters that all have that area.

How can you find the answer for the perimeter and area of a rectangle?

find the perimeter and area of a rectangle that is 15cm long and 5cm wide

The length of a rectangle is twice its width If the perimeter of the rectangle is 54y find its area?

The length of a rectangle is twice its width. If the perimeter of the rectangle is , find its area.

How to find the perimeter and area of a rectangle?

To find the perimeter you add and to find the area we multiply.

The length of a rectangle is 5 more then the width Find the perimeter and the area of the rectangle?

the length of a rectangle is 5 more then the width. Find the perimeter and the area of the rectangle

Can you find the area of a rectangle only knowing the perimeter?

To find the area of a rectangle, you multiply the length by the width (one side by a different side) Or you could count how many centimeter squares make up the rectangle

How do you find the length of a rectangle knowing the perimeter and the width?

You divide the perimeter by the width and you get the lenght

How do you find the area of a rectangle with a perimeter of 36m?

how do you find the area of a rectangle witha perimeter of 36 in You don't. You need more information For example a 1 x 17 rectangle has a perimeter of 36 and its area is 17. But a 2 x 16 rectangle also has a perimeter of 36 and its area is 32.

How do you find the area of rectangle given its perimeter?

You cannot.

What measurements do you need to find the area and perimeter of a rectangle how would you use these measurements to find the area and perimeter of a rectangle?

you need length and width length multiply width = area length + length + width + width = perimeter

What is the perimeter of the rectangle that is 0.9 square units?

To find the perimeter of a rectangle, you need more information than just the area. The area of a rectangle is calculated by multiplying its length by its width. Without knowing the specific dimensions of the rectangle, it is impossible to determine the perimeter. Additional information, such as the length or width of the rectangle, is required to calculate the perimeter.

Can you find the perimeter if you know area of a rectangle?

You can find the perimeter of a rectangle if you know its area and the length of one side. Divide the area by the length of the known side and the quotient will be the length of a side perpendicular to the known side, and then multiply the sum of the two sides by two to find the perimeter.