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No. The RAM (in the DIMM) is a storage area. The CPU performs mathematical operations.

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Q: Does the DIMM perform simple math for the CPU?
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A CPU executes only?

A CPU does math and accesses memory.

What are the speed of CPU?

The CPU speed, and processor speed is the amount of cycles that a CPU can perform per second.CPU speed is not a good indicator of CPU performance.

Does computer perform multiplications and subtraction.?

Yes. In windows its often located in Start > Programs > Accessories > Calculator. They perform this using a math processor built into the CPU (Central Processing Unit). Older computers had a separate math processor called a Math-CoProcessor

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An instruction is a command to the CPU to perform one processing function on one or two data inputs.

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ALU-Arithmetic and logic unit.

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your mom!intel1883

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The device needs to signal the CPU to get its attention. It typically does this through an interrupt request line (IRQ).

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It is a system of coded numbers that when read by the CPU control unit are interpreted as commands for the various operations it can perform. Each different type of CPU has a differently coded instruction set.