

Does the number pi really exist?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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11y ago

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Yes and its value is determined by the circumference of a circle divided by its diameter, also pi is an irrational number which means it can not be expressed as a fraction

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Q: Does the number pi really exist?
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pi does not exist because pie is round so tell your teacher that pi does not exist

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Does pi actually exist on a slide rule?

Yes, it is a point on the slide rule. It is exact and not a decimal number.

What is the fraction value of pi?

Pi's fraction would be a never ending number divided by another never ending number, because pi is a never ending number. If you want the exact numbers of pi in fraction, it would be a really big number divided by a really big number. It's very difficult to find the fraction, so i cannot tell you what the exact fraction is.

How do you factor out 4 from pi?

You cannot. pi is an irrational number and the concept of factors really applies only to integers. Once you allow rationals and irrationals, every non-zero number is a factor of every other number. You can divide pi by 4: use a calculator.

What is the largest amount of pi that you can think of?

If you mean the number pi, you can't have a "large amount of pi" or a "small amount of pi" - the number pi will always be the number pi (approximately 3.1416).

What is the number that you use to find pi?

the number is that you use for pi is 3.14 the number is that you use for pi is 3.14

Is pi a real number?

Pi is a real number

Why does pi exist?

cause pi is allways around us and without it we would probley die

What is the structure of a pi-H ion?

A pi-H ion doesn't exist. It is an error or confusion.

Is 3.1415 a rational or irrational number?

3.1415 is rational (as are all other terminating decimals). Note that these are some of the first few digits of pi (3.14159…, which really should be rounded to 3.1416 not 5); pi is an irrational number. Approximations of pi are generally rational numbers.

What are fractals of pi?

Pi is a number. There are no fractals of pi.