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Without an equality sign the given expression can't be considered to be an equation.

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Q: Equation for q 3q plus 5 plus 2q-565?
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Simplify and solve this equation for q 3q plus 5 plus 2q 5 65?

3q + 5 + 2q + 5 = 65 5q + 10 = 65 5q = 55 q = 11 Check it. 33 + 5 + 22 + 5 = 65 It checks.

What is the answer to -3q equals 5?

we have -3q=5 so dividing both sides of the equation by -3 yields q=-5/3.

What is the quadratic 30q3 plus 14q2-4q equals 0?

30q3 + 14q2 - 4q = 0 can be factored as q(30q2 + 14q - 4) = 0 The bracketed term can be factored (30q2 + 14q - 4) = (10q - 2)(3q + 2) The equation can now be written : q(10q - 2)(3q + 2) = 0 The equation = 0 when either q = 0 or one of the bracketed terms = 0 When 10q - 2 = 0 then q = 2/10 = 1/5 : and when 3q + 2 = 0 then q = -2/3.

Solve for p and q. 2p plus 3q equals 13 and 5p - 4q equals -2?

2p + 3q = 13, 5p - 4q = -2 Multiply the first equation by 4 and the second by 3 and add them, which gets rid of the q: 8p + 15p = 52 - 6, and 23p = 46, so p=2. Plug that into the first equation to find q: 4 + 3q = 13, so q=3. Test your answers in the second equation to be sure: 5(2) - 4(3) = 10-12 = -2. It checks. So p=2, q=3.

How do you solve 3q - 5 13 for q.?

3q = 18 q = 6

Is 3x plus 5 an equation?

No, an equation needs an "=".

What are the roots of the equation x2-6x plus 5?

You don't have an equation there.

what is 1 plus 4 plus 5?

The mathematical equation of 1 plus 4 plus 5 is equivalent to 10.

What is 5 plus 5 plus 5 plus 5 times 0?

0. Any equation that has times 0 equals 0.

What is the equation for -2 plus 5?

-2 + 5 = 3

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What is an equation with the answer of 5?

2 plus 3