Percent means out of a whole, and is found by getting out of 100. For example, 20% of 100 is 20, and 20% of 10 is 2. However, if you were to find a percentage like 15% of 80, or 5% of 25, then you would need to know the fractions or decimals that percentages represent. 10% is 1/10 or 0.1, and you divide the whole number by 10 to get the answer. 50% is 1/2 or 0.5, and you would find it by halving the whole number. In addition, a shot way of finding things like 25% (1/4) or 5% is to halve a percentage that you can easily deal with, such as 50%, which you would halve to get 25%, and 10% which you would halve to get 5%. You can also add together easily found percentages, as well as take away.
To easily find this, find a scientific calculator and divide the whole with the fraction that the percentage equals to (press the button with the little square above and below a line and type in the fraction),or get a normal calculator and divide the whole by the decimal.
hope i helped!
It means that you find out the size of part of the number but not all of it.
You find the height, length and the width and you multiple them together then you will get the answer.
Let's say 1=100% .25=? =25 Divide .25 by 1, then multiply the answer by 100. You will get 25 which means .25 is 25% of 1 Sorry but I don't know how to explain further...
40% of 200 is 80. To find, multiply 200 by 0.4.
Conduct your sampling at a baseball game, a baseball museum or at a meeting of Little League coaches.
It means that you find out the size of part of the number but not all of it.
you divide 3 by 5 :P
=a dragon stone might not exist but if u find one that the means rock is a fossil scientists explain=
Your local bank can help you find this information and explain it to you in simple detail or you can hire a certified accountant to do it for you and explain to you how it works as he goes.
explain how you can break numbers apart to find the product of 7 X 13
explain how to find the rule in a numerical pattern
Multiply them together.
84 factor is
In the constitution
No one has answered the question because no one know what you are trying to ask. Please explain a little bit more.
It means that if you are writing an overview then you have to say what the reason for it is. E.g. The purpose of this overview is to find out which came first -the chicken or the egg...
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