

F of x equals x squared over 2?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: F of x equals x squared over 2?
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Are you trying to solve for x? Fx = x2 - 3 x2 - Fx - 3 = 0 x2 - Fx = 3 x2 - Fx + (F/2)2 = 3 + (F/2)2 (x - F/2)2 = 3 + (F/2)2 x - F/2 = ±[ 3 + (F/2)2 ]1/2 x = F/2 ± [ 3 + (F/2)2 ]1/2

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y = f(x) = (x-5)2. At x = 5, the y value is zero, so the point (5,0).