

Best Answer


Color - The sulfur is bright yellow.

Odor - The sulfur had a smell like bad eggs.

Texture - The sulfur felt rough and bumpy.


Age - My sister is 12 years, 4 months, and 3 days old.

Weight - My sister weighs 97.2 pounds.

Length - My sister is 63 inches tall.

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Q: Give 3 examples of qualitative and quantitative observations?
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Would you give 5 more examples of qualitative and quantitative observations?

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What is more important qualitative or quantitative observations?

Both qualitative and quantitative observations are important, as they provide different insights. Quantitative observations give numerical data and allow for statistical analysis, while qualitative observations provide descriptive information and help in understanding the context and meaning behind the numbers. Both types of observations are essential for a comprehensive understanding of a situation.

Give 5 examples of qualitative and quantitative observations?

EXAMPLE: Painting Qualitative: Blue Paint, Gold Frame, Smells Musty, Texture Shows Oils were Used, Scene of boats on a river Quantitative: Cost is $300, Weighs 8.9 lbs, Painting is 10" by 14", Frame is 14" by 18", Surface Area is 140 Sq. In. (Qualitative deals with descriptions and can be observed but not measured. Quality. Quantitative deals with numbers and can be measured. Quantity.)

Would you give 10 examples of qualitative and quantitative observation?


Could you give at least 5 example quantitative qualitative observation?

Sure. Quantitative observations: Measuring the temperature of water, counting the number of leaves on a plant, recording the weight of an object, timing how long it takes for a pendulum to swing, measuring the length of a book. Qualitative observations: Describing the color of a flower, noting the smell of freshly baked bread, observing the texture of a rock, listening to the sound of chirping birds, feeling the softness of a cotton fabric.

What are quantitative observations?

A quantitative observation is an observation that can be measured in numbers, such as volume, length, acceleration, number of widgets produced per hour, etc.

What are Quantitatives?

Quantitative observations are conducted using instruments that give calculated measurements like rulers, scales, or thermometers. This is in contrast to qualitative observations which are done using the senses (sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing).

Is heart quantitative or qualitative?

Heart rate is generally a quantitative measurement. You can give a specific number (quantity) for it. You could express heart rate as a qualitative measurement by simply using comparative phrases such as fast, faster, slow slower, dangerously high, dangerously low, etc. Often the quantitative measurement is mapped to the qualitative terms to give a quantitative range that can map to a qualitative term to express the impact of that type of heart rate.

Is heart rate qualitative or quantitative?

Heart rate is generally a quantitative measurement. You can give a specific number (quantity) for it. You could express heart rate as a qualitative measurement by simply using comparative phrases such as fast, faster, slow slower, dangerously high, dangerously low, etc. Often the quantitative measurement is mapped to the qualitative terms to give a quantitative range that can map to a qualitative term to express the impact of that type of heart rate.

Can you give 5 qualitative observations in science?

Color Shape Reaction Type Scent Texture

Give examples of qualitative observation and quantitative observation?

Qualitative observation says "By using our cognitive skills like our 5 senses it describe the quality,characteristic like shape,color,texture and size of an object Smell of a perfume Quantitative observation says"That the observation taken place after the mass volume or number of an describe how much of it is there are measuring device are used" such as Liters of Milk

Give at least five basic tenets of conducting qualitative research and another 5 for quantitative research?

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