For starters decimals and fractions are the same thing just wrote diffrently.Decimals will be used in your everyday lives just by going to the store.Such as if you had $1.49 and you wanted to by a bag of chips that costs $1.69,you need to know how much more money you need.
For fractions it is almost the same thing but just alittle different.Fractions can be used as easily as inviting guests over for pie.You have 2 pies and 6 people,so divide 6 by 2 and you get 3,so each pie gets cut into 3 pices.So if you see we use decimals and fractions everyday.
decimals are used for prices like $2.95 fractions can be used for data
yes because they thought that fractions were kind of hard so they used decimals
Decimals are more commonly used.
Because decimals are a form you use regularly like with money, but with fractions, its not used all the time such as a decimal is used.
When you are shopping or rounding decimals to the nearest price!
decimals are used for prices like $2.95 fractions can be used for data
yes because they thought that fractions were kind of hard so they used decimals
Before decimals were invented, people used fractions.
Decimals are more commonly used.
Because decimals are a form you use regularly like with money, but with fractions, its not used all the time such as a decimal is used.
When you are shopping or rounding decimals to the nearest price!
The Arabs wished to express quantities that were not whole numbers. As to why they used fractions as opposed to decimals for this, that was owing to the fact that they had not invented decimals yet.
Money in a library distance
Fractions and decimals are a major part of mathematics, and mathematics is a major part of engineering. They are used for a huge range of things involved in calculations for almost every part of an engineer's job.
Fractions are used to computer batting average, on base percentage, slugging percentage, and fielding percentage. Decimals are used to easily present this information. All of this plays an important role in recording the statistics of individual players.
We use fractions in the grocery we use fractions in the grocery shops like half a dozen
math is used to show people the different ways math can be used such as fractions or decimals you name it