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Q: How are decimals and percents used for a medical assistant?
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What are the relationship between fractions decimals and percents?

they all can be used to find the answer to the same wole number

Why is the probability meter labeled with fraction decimals and percents?

So it can be used for a number of different kinds of math problems

What do people use more fractions or decimals or percents?

No records worldwide, but fractions are mostly used for thirds, halves and quarters and "one in a million", whereas percents are used for most other numbers where percentage is between 1 and 99 (Note football demands 110% from its players!)

Why can't a fraction or a decimal be used instead of a percent?

Surely percents can always be expressed as fractions or decimals, but percents are useful for comparing values- percents are essentially fractions all of the same denominator so they are easier to compare. Example: which is bigger 9/20 or 88/200 ? which is bigger 45% or 44% ? The percent question is easier to answer even though the numbers are the same.

How are percents used?

percents are used to dealing with math for example you can always do 45/100% wich reduces to 450%.

How are percents used in daily math?

Percents are used to calculate tax on EVERY store purchase,and to calculate discounts on every "special" or "bargain".If you can't calculate percents, you can't catch mistakes or avoid being cheated.

Can a medical assistant diploma from Utah be used in wyoming?

Diplomas and Degrees are generally universal, which means that they can be used anywhere.

Where can one find medical assistant work?

Medical assistant work is commonly being sought after in developing regions such as southwest Virginia. A place that used to be covered in mountains is not becoming a capital for medical industry. Careerbuilder (online) may also provide some job results.

When do you address a Physician Assistant as 'Dr.'?

You do not and the assistant should correct you if you do and they do not hold a qualifying medical qualification. "Dr." can be used to designate a qualified physician (a medical doctor with a BSc in medicine) or a person with a PhD postgraduate degree (a Doctor of Philosophy).

How are percents used in advertising and sales?

Discount allowed/ received

When are decimals used?

decimals are used when you have part of a whole for examle .362598798 is part of a whole