decimals are a part of our daily life because they are used to separate dollars from cents.
In price tags, Doces of medicine, Taxes, Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, Division, Averages, Measurments, Weight.
well dependent is when you are are NOT independent so in your daily life you could just have S.E.X and then that is how you become non independent
Radical expressions are applied in one's daily life. This is used in terms of doing tile work, estimating distances, or designing something that needs measurement.
decimals are a part of our daily life because they are used to separate dollars from cents.
Well, decimals can be used for voting.
price of goods
daily or weekly allowance
money uses decimals
You don't normally apply integration, or other advanced math topics, in your daily life, unless your "daily life" includes work in the science or engineering area.
what is 2 + 2