To add hexadecimal numbers 2E and 34 without converting them into decimal, you first need to align the numbers by place value. Start from the rightmost digit and add each pair of digits, carrying over if the sum is greater than 15 (F in hexadecimal). In this case, 2E + 34 equals 62 in hexadecimal. The final answer is 62.
no, as there is a decimal point in the number. Whole numbers are numbers without decimal points
No. Natural numbers are positive (or zero) whole numbers - without digits after the decimal point.
Any number that can be written as a fraction:15.2=152/10 etc. Any number without a decimal or fraction: 15. Any numbers with decimal numbers that end (4, 2.5) or repeat (1/3, 55/9).
Without knowing what the numbers are, I would suggest taking the mean of the given numbers.
This is not a question.
no, as there is a decimal point in the number. Whole numbers are numbers without decimal points
No as that this number has a decimal point. Whole numbers are numbers without decimal points
Decimal: 65 Hexadecimal: 41 Octal: 101 Binary: 01000001 HTML: &.#.65; (without periods) Hope this answered your question!
To multiply two digit decimal numbers, multiply the numbers as you would without the decimals. To put the decimal in the answer, count the number of decimal places in the two numbers and put the decimal in the answer that many places to the left. For example: 5.12 x 6.35 = 32.5120. If the numbers were 51.2 x 63.5, the answer would be 3251.20.
Consider the numbers A and B where A has m digits after the decimal point and B has n digits.Then find the multiple A'*B' where A' is A without its decimal point, and B' is B without its decimal point.In that answer insert the decimal point so that there are (m+n) digits after the decimal point.
HTTP is obviously the hyper-text transport protocol, but there is no such thing as FFFFHTTP. In all instances I've encountered it, it appears to be an encoding error, where FFFF is the hexadecimal representation of the signed decimal value -1, or the unsigned decimal value 65,535. It is usually preceded by other hexadecimal numbers as part of a function call, such as "function( 0000, 0000, FFFF, http://etc...)". Viewing the source code shows the comma is still there so it's not clear why these particular symbols are concatenated without a comma during rendering.
No. Natural numbers are positive (or zero) whole numbers - without digits after the decimal point.
I can't say for certain what your specific difficulty is with the process, so I will guess unfamiliarity. There are many fine websites that will perform those calculations automatically.------------------------------There is a general method to convert from base 10 to any other base:divide the number by the base to get a whole number quotient and remaindernote the remainderreplace the number by the quotientif the number is not zero repeat from step 1write the remainders in reverse order to get the decimal number in the new base.With this converting a decimal number to binary is quite straight forward; for example 205 in binary:205 ÷ 2 = 102 r 1102 ÷ 2 = 51 r 051 ÷ 2 = 25 r 125 ÷ 2 = 12 r 112 ÷ 2 = 6 r 06 ÷ 2 = 3 r 03 ÷ 2 = 1 r 11 ÷ 2 = 0 r 1→ 205 in decimal is 1100 1101 in binary.What you may be complaining about is that converting octal and hexadecimal numbers to binary is extremely straight forward and direct; examples:0315 (octal) = 11 001 101 = 1100 1101 in binary0xcd (hexadecimal) = 1100 1101 binaryThese conversions are extremely easy as each digit of an octal or hexadecimal number uses an exact number of binary digits:octal numbers 0-7 are the fill range of the binary numbers 000-111 - 3 binary digitshexadecimal numbers 0-f are the full range of the binary numbers 0000-1111 - 4 binary digits.There is no waste so each digit of an octal or hexadecimal number can be converted into binary directly. Each new octal or hexadecimal place value column is represented by an exact 3 or 4 block of binary digits, so when a place value is added, another block of binary digits is added, so 07 + 01 = 010 which in binary is 111 + 001 = 001 000; similarly 0xf + 0x1 = 0x10 which in binary is 1111 + 0001 = 0001 0000With decimal numbers, however, the digits 0-9 are represented by the binary 0000-1001; if each digit of a decimal number was converted to binary (an encoding known as Binary Coded Decimal, or BCD) then the binary numbers 1010-1111 (6 of them) are not being used and wasted. Alternatively, when a new place value is needed in decimal the binary will still likely use the binary digits already being used without the need for an extra block, eg 9 + 1 = 10 which in binary is 1001 + 0001 = 1010; there is no 1:1 correspondence between blocks of binary digits and decimal digits that occurs with octal and hexadecimal numbers.
Any number that can be written as a fraction:15.2=152/10 etc. Any number without a decimal or fraction: 15. Any numbers with decimal numbers that end (4, 2.5) or repeat (1/3, 55/9).
Without knowing what the numbers are, I would suggest taking the mean of the given numbers.