Pi is equal to 3.1425. . . . so in Algebra and math we just use the first three digits:
3.14 you just round it. That is the commonly used number even on calculators but be careful the calculator rounds it anyway on your answer usually up!!
pi=3.14159265 but is most commonly used as 3.14
The ancient Babylonians from around 1700 BC used pi = 3.125. The name of the person who calculated that value was not recorded.
Pi is an irrational number, meaning that it cannot be written as the ratio of two integers (fractions such as 22/7 are commonly used to approximate pi; no common fraction (ratio of whole numbers) can be its exact value).
In 499ce, he is in 23rd years old .he will find out the approximation of pi
There is no recorded single discoverer of the value of pi. Although, it has been recorded that the Egyptians were aware of pi.
The circumference of a circle can be calculated by multiplying pi by the diameter of the circle. For example if the diameter is 10 then the calculation will be pi x 10 = answer. The most commonly used value for pi is 3.14
pi=3.14159265 but is most commonly used as 3.14
The ancient Babylonians from around 1700 BC used pi = 3.125. The name of the person who calculated that value was not recorded.
PI stands for polarization index. We need to find IR value(IR1) for 1min and again find the IR value(IR2) for 10min. PI=IR2/IR1
Pi is an irrational number, meaning that it cannot be written as the ratio of two integers (fractions such as 22/7 are commonly used to approximate pi; no common fraction (ratio of whole numbers) can be its exact value).
Pi is an irrational number, meaning that it cannot be written as the ratio of two integers (fractions such as 22/7 are commonly used to approximate pi; no common fraction (ratio of whole numbers) can be its exact value).
In 499ce, he is in 23rd years old .he will find out the approximation of pi
There is no recorded single discoverer of the value of pi. Although, it has been recorded that the Egyptians were aware of pi.
Pi is 3.14159265415.... and so on and so forth. Pi is more commonly used as 3.14 in equations.
3.14 is the commonly used approximation
You cannot find the "PI" of anything Pi is a set numerical value, PI = 3.14159265358979323846… (It goes on forever) But in geometry we consider Pi to equal 3.14