Fractions are the sames as real numbers (those with a decimal point) and as you use your country's currency you will pay for things with the small change - this small change eh $2.50 is a fraction it is the same as $2 and 1/2.
We use fractions everyday in various ways, such as in cooking when measuring ingredients, in dividing a Pizza into slices, or when comparing prices or discounts at the grocery store. Fractions are also used in understanding time, for example, when expressing minutes past the hour or when calculating the duration of an event. Additionally, fractions are essential in many industries, such as construction, engineering, and finance, where precise measurements and calculations are required.
We use fractions in the grocery we use fractions in the grocery shops like half a dozen
Photographers use that in their everyday lives because they have to make sure that the frame is correctly made and the picture is correctly cut.
You need use fractions, addition, multiplacation, and divison for everyday use
when you cook
cutting pizzas or cake
We use fractions in the grocery we use fractions in the grocery shops like half a dozen
cooking & buying a slice of pizza
Photographers use that in their everyday lives because they have to make sure that the frame is correctly made and the picture is correctly cut.
You need use fractions, addition, multiplacation, and divison for everyday use
Math, Rugby e.g. full back for a whole, shares, sales, mechanics.
when you cook
No, natural numbers are the counting numbers we use everyday in our lives.Examples:1,2,3,4,5, and so on and so forth.
cutting pizzas or cake
because many everyday things do not come in whole numbers. For example, 1/2 cup of water, 1/3 or a pie.. etc
For starters decimals and fractions are the same thing just wrote diffrently.Decimals will be used in your everyday lives just by going to the store.Such as if you had $1.49 and you wanted to by a bag of chips that costs $1.69,you need to know how much more money you need. For fractions it is almost the same thing but just alittle different.Fractions can be used as easily as inviting guests over for pie.You have 2 pies and 6 people,so divide 6 by 2 and you get 3,so each pie gets cut into 3 pices.So if you see we use decimals and fractions everyday.
There are 137 jobs that use fractions.
It would be very difficult to teach and learn fractions if you did not use fractions!