follow these steps:
first find a common denominator
Next,add the numerators
reduce if possible
Make the fractions equivalent then subtract
you make fractions equivalent denominators, you add the numerators and put it over the denominator
You have to convert them to equivalent similar fractions (fractions with the same denominator) first.
You cannot add or subtract fractions with different denominators. If the denominators are different then you need to work with equivalent fractions.
Answer: When adding or subtracting fractions with different denominators it is important to change the denominators into the lowest common denominator by using equivalent fractions. Answer: Equivalent fractions are used to: * Simplify fractions. It is sort of inelegant to write the final solution of a problem as 123/246, when you can just as well write it as 1/2. * Add fractions. If two fractions have different denominators, you need to convert them to equivalent fractions that have the same denominator. Only then can you add. * Subtract fractions (same as addition). * Compare fractions, to check which one is larger (same as addition).
Make the fractions equivalent then subtract
by converting them to equivalent fractions
Because to add or subtract two fractions you first have to find equivalent fractions for both which have the same denominator.
you make fractions equivalent denominators, you add the numerators and put it over the denominator
You first convert them to equivalent fractions with a common denominator. Or you convert them to decimal fractions.
You have to convert them to equivalent similar fractions (fractions with the same denominator) first.
You cannot add or subtract fractions with different denominators. If the denominators are different then you need to work with equivalent fractions.
You look for a common denominator; convert the fractions to equivalent fractions with the denominator you found; then you do the addition itself.
Answer: When adding or subtracting fractions with different denominators it is important to change the denominators into the lowest common denominator by using equivalent fractions. Answer: Equivalent fractions are used to: * Simplify fractions. It is sort of inelegant to write the final solution of a problem as 123/246, when you can just as well write it as 1/2. * Add fractions. If two fractions have different denominators, you need to convert them to equivalent fractions that have the same denominator. Only then can you add. * Subtract fractions (same as addition). * Compare fractions, to check which one is larger (same as addition).
You divide the equivalent positive numbers. Then you add a negative sign to the result.
If the denominators are not the same, then you have to use equivalent fractions which do have a common denominator . To do this, you need to find the least common multiple (LCM) of the two denominators. To add fractions with unlike denominators, rename the fractions with a common denominator. Then add and simplify.
Finding the LCM will make adding and subtracting fractions easier.